How Underground Therapists and Scientists Keep Psychedelic Medicine Alive Despite the Gov’t Ban

How Underground Therapists and Scientists Keep Psychedelic Medicine Alive Despite the Gov’t Ban

It could take decades before these drugs are legal, and the consequences are deadly. The following is an article written by Tom Shroder based on his new book Acid Test: LSD, Ecstasy, and the Power to Heal: In the past decade, after thirty years in the deep freeze, research into the medicinal use of psychedelic … Continue reading

Romanian General Emil Strainu expert in radiolocation (radar technology) and Doctor in geophysical war. Confirms Reptilian ETs

Romanian General Emil Strainu expert in radiolocation (radar technology) and Doctor in geophysical war. Confirms Reptilian ETs

exist General Dr. Emil Străinu Romanian General (retired), expert in radiolocation (radar technology) and Doctor in geophysical war. Currently he occupies the following positions: – “Advisor of the Romanian Parliament on unconventional issues and asymmetrical threats.” – “Director of The Special Situations and Research Center on UFOs and Psihotronics.” – “Founder of the Association for the … Continue reading

We are about to witness a human catastrophe that could destroy large portions of a continent

Originally posted on The Extinction Protocol :
September 2014 – AFRICA – Sometimes the artifice of writing — metaphors, historical comparisons, the just-so quote — fails. The Ebola outbreak in West Africa demands directness: We are about to witness a human catastrophe that could destroy large portions of a continent and pose a global threat. And…

Military intelligence confirms Natural News warning: Twelve missing commercial jets may now be deployed as weapons against U.S. cities

Military intelligence confirms Natural News warning: Twelve missing commercial jets may now be deployed as weapons against U.S. cities

      on March 24 of this year,  a story entitled Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 now clearly a government cover-up: All evidence contradicts official story. In that story, I wrote:…it now seems increasingly likely that the Flight 370 aircraft has, indeed, been delivered to a rogue nation where it is being transformed into a weapon. … Continue reading