Super-sized mosquitoes as big as quarters which can bite through clothing are headed to Florida

Revelation 9:10 
And they had tails like to scorpions, and there were stings in their tails; and their power was to hurt men five months
If mosquitoes were motorcycles, the species known as Psorophora ciliata would be a Harley-Davidson – big, bold, made in America and likely to be abundant in Florida this summer.
 Last June, Tropical Storm Debbie caused flooding in many parts of Florida and unleashed large numbers of gallinippers, along with other floodwater mosquitoes.

These super-sized mosquitoes as big as quarters which can bite through clothing are headed to Florida ‘in large numbers’ this summer.

Mega-mosquitoes which are the size of quarters are expected to take over areas of Florida ‘in large numbers’, scientists have warned.

The special breed of the nuisance bug, which can be 20 times bigger than common menacing Asian tiger mosquitoes, are described as ‘notoriously aggressive’.

They were handed the perfect breeding ground by last year’s tropical storms, according to scientists at the University of Florida, so are coming to a town near you.

Super-sized: Scientist says mega mosquitoes also known as gallnippers, left, could be common in central Florida this summer. They can be 20 times bigger than typical Asian tiger mosquitoesSuper-sized: Scientist says mega mosquitoes also known as gallinippers, left, could be common in central Florida this summer. They can be 20 times bigger than typical Asian tiger mosquitoes

‘Because of the events last year, and the eggs laid, we can expect large numbers of these mosquitoes again,’ Entomologist Phil Kaufman, an associate professor with the University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, told the Gainsville Sun.

‘It is quite capable of biting through my shirt.

‘We suggest people wear long-sleeve pants and shirts. Just doing that may not be enough for this type of mosquito; you’re going to have use one of the insect repellants to dissuade them from landing.’

‘The bite really hurts, I can attest to that,’ he told science site

Psorophora ciliata, or Gallinippers as they are commonly known, have half inch long bodies and the same black-white color pattern of the more common Asian Tiger Mosquito with a wingspan of 6-7 millimeters.

OuchOuch: Mega-mosquito bites hurt much more than usual mosquito bites according to the experts, who say the insects can even bite through clothing
This big: Gallnippers tend to be the size of a quarter and could be seen in large numbers in Central Florida this Summer, according to scientistsThis big: Gallinippers tend to be the size of a quarter and could be seen in large numbers in Central Florida this Summer, according to scientists

Because of their size they are often able to withstand common repellants.

The hurricanes of last year brought large numbers of the insects to the Central and South Florida area which laid dormant eggs in the soil near ponds and streams.

Now scientists are predicting heavy rainfall will come again and cause the eggs to hatch – releasing the super-sized bugs in large numbers.


Size: 2 – 10mm but males are much smaller than females

Bite: Only the bigger females feed on blood. Bites are itchy and can be serious in people who suffer a reaction but can also be fairly minor.  They can carry serious diseases such as Dengue Fever

Appearance: Black and white shiny striped bodies

Location: In 866 counties in 26 states. Mostly in the Southeast but also Texas.


Size: Body alone is half an inch long with a wingspan of 6-7 millimeters

Bite: ‘Persistent biting behavior’ and their bite is much more painful. They can also bite through light material but like other mosquitoes only the females bite

Appearance: Also black and white striped

Location: The east of the U.S. but they are predicted to be highly prevalent in central Florida this summer.

One plus point to the bugs, which are native to the eastern half of North America, is they don’t carry diseases dangerous to humans like some of their smaller counterparts.

Like Asian tiger mosquitoes they are less common in urban areas and tend to be found near floodwater where they hatch.

‘Down near Paynes Prairie, you are more likely to have more numbers than Main Street Gainesville,’ Professor Kaufman added.

It is only females that bite with male Gallinippers feeding on flower nectar.

They also feed on other mosquito larvae and even tadpoles and are most active at dusk and dawn.

‘When you read the historical accounts of the first European settlers in the Southeast and they talked about gigantic mosquitoes, this was one they were talking about,’ Professor Kaufman ad

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