Socialist Hugo Chavez died with a family fortune worth $2 billion

That Hugo Chavez was some socialist!

Criminal Justice International Associates (CJIA), based in northern Virginia, is a global threat mitigation firm that, according to its self-description, performs “conceptual and technical expertise as consultants, senior trainers, practitioners, and speakers.” As such, CJIA:

  • Conducts “complex training designed/conducted within a ‘Situational Awareness’ environment”;
  • Consults on “the investigative direction in complex criminal/insurgent/transnational terrorist groups”; and
  • Identifies “trends, capabilities, intentions, and  tactics/strategies, based on threat indicators involving hostile force(s)/groups and other adversaries.”

The CEO of CJIA is Jerry E. Brewer, Sr., who claims to have “over 30 years of professional management/leadership experience in the field of Criminal Justice, both within government and private sectors,” including 15 years as Chief of Police in three states.

According to , Brewer maintains that since socialist Hugo Chavez became president of socialist Venezuela in 1999, his Chávez Frías family had amassed a fortune of around $2 billion — similar to the personal fortunes of the socialist Castro brothers (Fidel and Raúl) in socialist Cuba.

In addition, Brewer claims that “organized bolivarian criminal groups within the Chávez administration have subtracted around $100 billion out of the nearly $1 trillion in oil income made by PDVSA since 1999.” PDVSA is Petróleos de Venezuela, S.A., socialist Venezuela’s state-owned oil and natural gas company.

Two socialists in a pod: Penn and Chavez

Birds of a feather all flock together. No wonder Hugo Chavez is the darling of Sean Penn (estimated net worth $150 million) and other faux socialists in Hollywood!

click original link 

3 thoughts on “Socialist Hugo Chavez died with a family fortune worth $2 billion

  1. Pingback: TODAYS Breaking NEWS HEADLINES | count down to zero-time

  2. Pingback: The two billion Chavez or how to invent a false story of nothing | toolwielder

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