Forget Scientology, celebrities are now falling for an even more sinister ‘religion’: The Satanic sex cult that’s snared Peaches

Its founder Aleister Crowley revelled in the infamy of being the ‘wickedest man in the world’ but 50 years after his death, his cult is attracting a starry following. Among those to succumb to a religion that promotes individuality above all else and whose leaders describe it as a sex cult, include Peaches Geldof, Jay-Z and Jimmy Page. But is it really as sinister as it sounds or should we be very worried indeed? more
Converts: Rapper Jay-Z (left) and Led Zeppelin guitarist Jimmy Page are believed to be involved with OTO
Why can’t ‘Saint’ Bob Geldof save daughter Peaches from herself?
Peaches with Ben Mills in one of the pictures posted on the internet
THE DAIL MAIL IS VERY CLEVER AS IT INTRODUCES PEOPLE TO THIS EVIL WICKED CULT THROUGH CELEBRITIES WHO ARE WORSHIPED BY MANY AND WHOSE FAMILIES HAVE BEEN INTO THESE SATANIC CULTS FOR YEARS,THEY KNOW ALTHOUGH IT WILL REPULSE MANY OTHER YOUNG PEOPLE WILL BE INTERESTED AND FOLLOW THEM INTO THIS CULT OUT OF SHEER CURIOSITY. The whole WORLD of celebrities IS involved and controlled through Drugs and run by people at different levels in Satanism. In these Media companies employees 50% at least tend to be gay or bisexual this is holey out of proportion statistically and shows what kind of people are attracted to this industry. The celeb world is always has been Awash with drug’s. Drugs are used by television media presenters and such given freely by record companies as a way to control their employees and also compromise them, the stories only come put years later by celebs who claim to be clean but there is no way to tell if they are are still involved in the same secret Drug fueled sick satanic world which run’s rampant in this industry, The gay casting couch is compulsory for many especially people who do not belong to the MK ultra satanic generational luciferians like Peaches Geldof family, who run the media production companies. Peaches Mother Paula Died of a Drug overdose never recovering after her Luciferian Lover Micheal Hutchinson died in a sick kinky sex game. Peaches has gone into the underbelly of the same Drug fueled satanic world that caused her Parents Marriage break up and the Suicide of her Mother after years of Drug abuse.
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