- The book, called ‘Where Do You Come From?’, sparked outrage
- It features graphic images of a couple called Lisa and Lars having sex
- One of the cartoon images shows Lisa putting a condom on Lars
- Parents complained to the Berlin Senate, the city’s governing bod
German school children as young as five were given a sex-education book giving graphic advice on how to put on a condom and how to achieve orgasms.
Outraged parents complained when youngsters at a school in Berlin were given the book, called ‘Where Do You Come From?’, which features explicit cartoon depictions of sex.
The book, which shows a couple called Lisa and Lars engaging in various of stages of intercourse, shows Lisa putting a condom on Lars and another image of the pair having sex.

According to Spiegel Online, the school in the Kreuzberg area of Berlin did not initially respond to parents’ complaints.
It was only when the local press got wind of the controversy and complaints were made to the city’s governing body, the Berlin Senate, that anything was done.
The book is still said to be available at the school but not readily accessible by pupils.
Parents were not only concerned by the images featured in the book, but also by some of the explicit descriptions used.
The book, aimed at educating children aged five years and upwards, reads: ‘When it’s so good that it can’t get any better, Lisa and Lars have an orgasm,’ and ‘the vagina and penis feel nice and tingly and warm.’

Politician Dorothee Baer of the Christian Social Union party in Bavaria said: ‘Sex education should accompany the development of children, but not speed it up.’
Monika Grutters from the Christian Democratic Union Party told the Die Welt newspaper that she is against ‘unnecessary zeal’ in sex education.
Where Do You Come From? was first published by Loewe Verlag in association with German family planning group Pro Familia in 1991.
The publishing house said that the book is no longer being produced as some of its messages are out of date and added that it is being replaced with a book called ‘Was I in Mummy’s Stomach Too?’ which the publishers say is less explicit.
The outrage comes as teachers in the UK have been encouraged to introduce pornography into the classroom, using sex education lessons to explain that porn is ‘not all bad’ and ‘hugely diverse’.
The recommendations, included in an educational guide, suggest that teachers confront ‘myths’ about porn and inform children as young as five about sexualisation.
The guidance could have significant influence in British schools after the Government’s decision to keep sex education lessons voluntary, leaving schools to devise their own ways of teaching the subject.
Does anyone else find it ironic that in “America” the good parts are blurred out?
ANYONE who is still stupid enough to believe they aren’t after your kids,WELL all I can say is your a braindead moron,every government on the planet has been taken over by demons and if their actions don’t PROVE IT,what will it take to wake you up,and go after these scum,trust me,YOU better go buy a 100ft, of rope soon ,cause when they realize there caught,it will be banned too,go get it now,and get ready to use it,THEY WANT YOUR CHILDREN,its time for people to start protecting them from these devil worshipping demons…….AND REMEMBER your children can’t protect them selves,THATS YOUR JOB,the police gangs DO NO WORK FOR YOU,their the ones who protect the demons robbing you blind and attacking your children……..so be careful of them,their very dangerous,and very EVIL TOO…………………………..
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