‘termite apocalypse’ which spread overnight through USA southern states

was struck by tens of thousands of swarming Formosan termites on Wednesday night causing hundreds of thousands of people’s skin to crawl.

Resembling something out of a creepy disaster movie, the termites made for any car headlights, streetlights or lit homes they could find in residential or commercial areas.

Usually the termites swarm like clockwork at the beginning of May, but with cooler temperatures in the New Orleans area combined with drier air the termite outbreak was delayed until last night’s warmer conditions.
From Violet to the Bywater and Covington to Algiers, reports of termite swarms across the the New Orleans metro area on Wednesday

From Violet to the and Covington to , reports of termite swarms across the the New Orleans metro area on Wednesday

Massive infestations in and around New Orleans have become endemic along and at the naval shipyard in Algiers.

Critters be Crawling: The Formosan termites flew across the New Orleans area in their tens of thousands last night Critters be Crawling: The Formosan termites flew across the New Orleans area in their tens of thousands last night


I Need More Bug Spray: One man holds aloft his weapons against the bug infestation last night in New Orleans I Need More Bug Spray: One man holds aloft his weapons against the bug infestation last night in New Orleans


The termites took to the skies across the south and were late this year - usually attempting to mate at the beginning of MayThe termites took to the skies across the south and were late this year – usually attempting to mate at the beginning of May

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One thought on “‘termite apocalypse’ which spread overnight through USA southern states

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