Abomination: West Memphis Three Set Free
The liberal establishment rode to the rescue of three confirmed satanists convicted of murdering three children.
Do we need more proof of a Satanist conspiracy?
Illuminati Jewish Hollywood continues to spew agitprop. Instead of exposing the truth, it normalizes Satanism by portraying ritual murderers as persecuted victim-heroes. Thus evil becomes good and good is evil. Welcome to the NWO.
by William Ramsey
In 2011, three men convicted of murdering three eight-year-old boys were released from prison in Arkansas.

The ritual murders of Steven Branch, Michael Moore and Christopher Byers on May 5, 1993 drew national media attention to West Memphis, Arkansas.
Damien Echols, Jason Baldwin and Jesse Misskelley, Jr., commonly known as the
West Memphis Three, left the Arkansas penal system free men after nineteen years in prison. Amid claims of Satanism and witchcraft involved in the horrific murders, the West Memphis Three declared they were targeted by authorities for wearing black and enjoying heavy metal music. In fact they had
a long history of satanic activity.
Public interest in the crimes was created by Paradise Lost, a 1996 HBO (Hebrew Box Office) documentary which made the case that the West Memphis Three were unjustly convicted. Like other past cause celebre killers such as Mumia Abu Jamal and Jack Abbott, numerous Hollywood celebrities and world renowned musicians rallied to the cause, including the following:

(Johnny Depp with Damien Echols. Murder a child,become a hero)
Peter Jackson, Henry Rollins, Natalie Maines, Eddie Vedder, Johnny Depp, Metallica, Disturbed, L7, Trey Parker, Jack Black, Winona Ryder, Will Ferrell, Robert Smith, Patti Smith, Marilyn Manson, Shepard Fairey, Tom Waits, Clive Barker, Peter Straub, Margaret Cho, Dan “The Outlaw” Hardy, Patton Oswalt, Sarah Silverman, Axl Rose, Iggy Pop, Steve Earle, Hank Williams III, Chuck D, Mandy Moore and Demi Lovato. This proves Hollywood is a stronghold of Satanism; and many movie stars and musicians are cult members. 1
These celebs raised an estimated $10-20 million to hire the best attorneys and public relations professionals to apply pressure upon the Arkansas legal system. This pressure paid off: the West Memphis Three were released from prison in November of 2011. This release supposedly represented a triumph of justice against a shamelessly biased police department and a good ol’ boy Arkansas court system.
After their release, the West Memphis Three traveled the country speaking about their harrowing experience. Damien Echols even penned a best-selling book, Life After Death, which recounts his nineteen year ordeal on death row in Varner Supermax prison. To this day, members of the West Memphis Three pronounce their innocence to the American public on radio programs and on nationally televised shows such as Piers Morgan, Anderson Cooper, Eliot Spitzer and The View.

Unfortunately, the narrative presented by the convicted murderers and their supporters is a lie. Voluminous evidence compiled by the Arkansas police and court system points directly to the West Memphis Three as the perpetrators. Not only did each one of the guilty confess at different times, Jesse Misskelley confessed four times to legal authorities. These confessions by Misskelley contained details about the murders known only to persons at the crime scene.
In addition, the West Memphis Three were involved in witchcraft and Satanism. Damien Echols not only engaged in the practice of witchcraft before he was arrested, his obsession and promotion of occult practices continues to this day. His involvement in witchcraft and Satanism is abundantly evident in trial transcripts and police reports.

Speaking to Damien Echols on his CNN television program, Piers Morgan, left, said the following:
“You come across to me as somebody grounded, intelligent, eloquent…not the things you would associate with the portrayal of you in your courtcase as this Devil worshipping, satanic, occult obsessed, you know, wierdo, dangerous maniac who could be capable of killing three young children.” 2
Echols moved to the town of Salem, Massachusetts, city of the original Colonial witch trials. He has told reporters he feels comfortable there, as the residents less likely to engage in another “witch trial.