Category Archives: money and finance
today’s news headline’s
Originally posted on WORLD NEWS UPDATES:
ADMITS: Lobbied companies to support Obamacare...
Britain suffers highest food and energy inflation in EU as crippling squeeze on households continues

Victims of IRS abuse testify as new agency scandal emerges…
Left groups enjoying tax-exempt status…
Leno: Should Close Instead of Gitmo…
KKK Imperial Wizard: ‘It’s About Time To Start Doing The Rallies With The Cross Lighting’…
Soderbergh: Hollywood’s Gay Sex Problem…
Caffeine Withdrawal Now Mental Disorder…
Tiananmen Square online searches censored by China…
Banned terms include ‘today’…
Jordan urged to end censorship of news websites…
France opens new front in war with Internet giants…
Japan tests 310mph levitating bullet train…
Bilderberg sets up unofficial press office for 1st time in 59-year history…
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Caffeine withdrawal is now a mental disorder
Originally posted on WORLD HEALTH NEWS:

Ask anyone coming down from the high of one too many cups of coffee, and they’ll tell you that the headaches from caffeine withdrawal can drive you crazy. So much so, that the latest version of psychiatry’s bible, DSM-5, is naming caffeine withdrawal as an actual mental disorder.
Matt Peckham of shares some of the symptoms a person who’s drunk on coffee would typically experience:
If you’ve had more than 250 mg of caffeine (two to three cups of brewed coffee) and experienced five or more of the following symptoms, says the guide, you’ve probably been caffeine-buzzed: restlessness, nervousness, excitement, insomnia, flushed face, diuresis (having to pee a lot), gastrointestinal disturbance, muscle twitching, rambling flow of thought and speech, tachycardia or cardiac arrhythmia, periods of inexhaustibility or psychomotor agitation (unintentional motion, say, rapidly bouncing one leg).
But it’s when you come…
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The Comex Confirms That Its Gold and Silver Inventory Reports Are Fraudulent-end game approaches
Originally posted on World Gold News:
As things go from bad to worse politically for Barrack Obama and the US government things are hotting up at the comex well they have finally come clean the emperor has no clothes, although the emperor has been a Laughing stalk for his naked ness many years now they have admitted it publicly what happens next is it gold to the moon. I think Jim willies take a few years ago is the best scenario that the comex wont die a death of a thousand cuts it will just fade into insignificance(like the country itself is now). With out and out in your face fraud now a daily occurrence in the banking industry with no one with even a remote chance of going to jail and insider selling at the NY stock exchange all time highs and the public being told that everything is fine(and some of them are starting…
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In a short General message on his website jim sinclairs says as follows
My Dear Extended Family,
For your sake get out of the system. You are being told daily what is going to happen to you but 99.9% of even my friends are in freeze frame and doing not much of anything.
I am doing everything a man can do to help you but so many say, “so what?” Do not let the lower gold price fool you. It is intended to do just that.
Gold is going to and through $3500 in the not too distant future. Act now for your own sake.
this goes to show that even Jim Sinclair is not being listened to that 99% of the people are going to be blindsided. Many of us who have seen this coming for years will be at the very least mentally prepared for what is going to happen, the other 99% will be terrified and astounded every thing they thought was safe and secure taken away from them.
This is no time to be complacent. Massive economic problems are erupting all over the globe, but most people seem to believe that everything is going to be just fine. In fact, a whole bunch of recent polls and surveys show that the American people are starting to feel much better about how the U.S. economy is performing. Unfortunately, the false prosperity that we are currently enjoying is not going to last much longer. Just look at what is happening in Europe. The eurozone is now in the midst of the longest recession that it has ever experienced. Just look at what is happening over in Asia. Economic growth in is the lowest that it has been in a decade and the Japanese financial system is beginning to spin wildly out of control. One of the only places on the entire planet where serious economic problems have not already erupted is in the , and that is only because we have “kicked the can down the road” by recklessly printing money and by borrowing money at an unprecedented rate. Unfortunately, the “sugar high” produced by those foolish measures is starting to wear off. We are going to experience a massive amount of economic pain along with the rest of the world – it is just a matter of time.
MORE From The Economic Collapse Blog:
Worst Flooding in 500 Years
Originally posted on
German town sees worst flooding in 500 years as rains paralyze Europe, kill 8
Published June 03, 2013
Associated Press
PASSAU, Germany – Swollen rivers gushed into the old section of Passau in southeast Germany on Monday, as water rose in the city to levels not seen in more than five centuries.
The city was one of the worst hit by flooding that has spread across a large area of central Europe following heavy rainfall in recent days. At least eight people were reported to have died and nine were missing due to floods in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and the Czech Republic.
“The situation is extremely dramatic,” Herbert Zillinger, a spokesman for Passau’s crisis center, told The Associated Press.
Much of the city was inaccessible on foot and the electricity supply was shut down as a precaution, he said. Rescuers were using boats to evacuate residents from flooded parts…
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