The Evil That Commands Death Is No Longer Creeping, But Springing By Leaps & Bounds

As the western media is beginning to awaken and people are roused from slumber, they find themselves staring into the eyes of a great and mighty beast.  A beast commanding a great destruction that can be felt across the world.   Do they even have a clue?  Do they know what we have been warning about?  Do they see that the warnings of the prophets of old, are now coming to be?

For those who are baptized in the Spirit, truly following the gifts of the Spirit,  it’s very clear what time we are in.  It’s also very clear that time is speeding up.  The stench of death and destruction in the Middle East and Africa has grown, the carnage that is responsible for the annihilation of Christians and other minorities is unfathomable.  These are not isolated incidents of  warring tribes or factions anymore.  The chaos that has taken over 1/3 of the world is not an accident.  Done by design for whatever reason, oil, diamonds, minerals, power or control—it has all been prophesied.

This ‘Troubling New Report’ is also prophesied in Revelation.


Christians in a northern Iraqi city are reportedly being ordered to pay a tax in return for protection by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.  A Middle Eastern Christian website and a Lebanese daily reported that Christians have been required to pay $250 per working individual and $500 per couple. If accurate, the tax would fall in line with past Islamist efforts to impose fines on Christians in the region, a Middle East expert told The Blaze. A Troubling New Report Regarding Christians in an Iraqi City |

When Daniel was shown the final kingdom on earth he was very troubled.  It was a vision of the fourth and final kingdom on earth, a vision of the return of Christ, and one of judgement.

“Then I continued to watch because of the boastful words the horn was speaking. I kept looking until the beast was slain and its body destroyed and thrown into the blazing fire. (The other beasts had been stripped of their authority, but were allowed to live for a period of time.)

 “In my vision at night I looked, and there before me was one like a son of man, coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days and was led into his presence.  He was given authority, glory and sovereign power; all nations and peoples of every language worshiped him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed.

Notice how he said the other beasts had been stripped of their authority but were allowed to live for a period.  This is becoming clearer by the day.  When you look at what is happening in Syria, Iraq, Nigeria, Sudan and Iran you get a very clear picture of the final kingdom that wrestles power from the current minor beasts.

When you look at Daniel, chapter 8 it completely ties not only what Daniel was shown in chapter 7, but current events of today.

map ram and goat

 He said: “I am going to tell you what will happen later in the time of wrath, because the vision concerns the appointed time of the end.  The two-horned ram that you saw represents the kings of Media and Persia.  The shaggy goat is the king of Greece, and the large horn between its eyes is the first king. The four horns that replaced the one that was broken off represent four kingdoms that will emerge from his nation but will not have the same power.

 “In the latter part of their reign, when rebels have become completely wicked, a fierce-looking king, a master of intrigue, will arise. He will become very strong, but not by his own power. He will cause astounding devastation and will succeed in whatever he does. He will destroy those who are mighty, the holy people. He will cause deceit to prosper, and he will consider himself superior. When they feel secure, he will destroy many and take his stand against the Prince of princes. Yet he will be destroyed, but not by human power.

 “The vision of the evenings and mornings that has been given you is true, but seal up the vision, for it concerns the distant future.”

 I, Daniel, was worn out. I lay exhausted for several days. Then I got up and went about the king’s business. I was appalled by the vision; it was beyond understanding.

How does this tie together? Here is a graph from the Daily Mail, read the whole article it is eye opening.  And if you want to see how this ties in with prophecy.


Libya: Al Queda & Hezbollah Did NATO’s Dirty Work

  • Libya: Al Queda & Hezbollah Did NATO’s Dirty Work

  • glddinar.jpgrebels.jpg“We have a copy of an agreement between the would-be rebels and the . The agreement states that will provide arms and training to the rebels until they take over the country and in return for that Israel will get to put a military base in the area of Libya.”

    is a replay of Libya with Al Queda again serving as proxy for  the Illuminati bankers (“NATO” Israel).

Syrian TV: Assad forces control strategic town

After three weeks of fighting rebel troops, government forces ‘restored security and peace’ in

This image made from video shows an explosion from shelling in Qusair, Syria, in late May (photo credit: AP/Ugarit News)

Assad has said that they will now go on to crush the rebels in the rest of the country, the western nations who support the rebels are panicking behind the scenes are reporting  that Assad has used chemical weapons”allegedly” With the new missiles from Russia Syria is now on the offensive no longer fearing Israeli air attacks.

Syrian State TV on Wednesday reported that President Bashar Assad’s army was now in full control of the embattled border town of Qusair, where fighting raged with rebels for nearly three weeks.

The TV report said regime troops “restored security and peace” after successfully dismantling the “terrorist networks” operating in the town over the last few days.

“At 6.30 a.m., Qusair became secure,” an official said.

An official in the governor’s office of Homs province confirmed the report, but a rebel source quoted by Al Jazeera said the rebels lost ground but were still fighting in the city.

Government troops, backed by Lebanon’s Hezbollah fighters, began a wide offensive against rebel forces in Qusair on May 19. Both sides in the conflict value Qusair, which lies along a land corridor linking two Assad strongholds, the capital of Damascus and an area along the that is the heartland of his minority Alawite sect.

For the rebels, who had been in control of the town shortly ever since after the uprising against Assad began in March 2011, holding Qusair meant protecting their supply line to Lebanon, just six miles away.

Free Syrian Army chief of staff Salim Idris, speaking to the BBC, rejected claims that the rebels were losing the fight against Assad, “despite recent setbacks.” It was not clear whether Idris was referring to Qusair.

Speaking with Al Arabiya, Idris said 15,000 Hezbollah fighters had invaded the border region between Lebanon and and were fighting alongside Syrian army forces. He claimed that eight Hezbollah soldiers were recently killed in battles with rebels near the capital Damascus.

“Hezbollah fighters are invading Syrian territory. And when they continue to do that and the authorities don’t take any action to stop them coming to Syria, I think we are allowed to fight Hezbollah fighters inside [Lebanese] territory,” he told the BBC.

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah on May 25 admitted for the first time that his group sent “a few” fighters to assist his ally Assad in the fight against rebels.

Lebanon’s Al-Mayadeen TV, which has reporters embedded with Syrian troops, was reporting live from the town, showing images of damaged buildings. The reporter said there was no sign of fighting.

The municipal building in the center of Qusair appeared to be pockmarked from fighting. A Syrian flag was raised above it, claiming government control of the town.


Treasonous Obama betrays Israel again to its Enemies U.S. publishes details of missile base Israel wanted kept secret

— ’s military fumed Monday over the discovery that the U.S. government had revealed details of a top-secret Israeli military installation in published bid requests.

The Obama administration had promised to build Israel a state-of-the-art facility to house a new ballistic-missile defense system, the Arrow 3. As with all projects, detailed specifications were made public so that contractors could bid on the $25 million project. The specifications included more than 1,000 pages of details on the facility, ranging from the heating and cooling systems to the thickness of the walls.

“If an enemy of Israel wanted to launch an attack against a facility, this would give him an easy how-to guide. This type of information is closely guarded and its release can jeopardize the entire facility,” said an Israeli military official who commented on the publication of the proposal but declined to be named because he wasn’t authorized to discuss the facility. He declined to say whether plans for the facility have been altered as a result of the disclosure.

“This is more than worrying, it is shocking,” he said.

Pentagon spokesman Lt. Col. Wesley Miller said he couldn’t comment on the specifics of the Arrow 3 base, but he said the routinely published the details of its construction plans on a federal business opportunities website so that contractors could estimate the costs of jobs. He said such postings often might be revised after contracts were approved.

Israeli officials appear to have been well aware of the danger of outsourcing building projects to the United States. In an interview with the Reuters news agency in March, Lt. Col. Peleg Zeevi, the head of the bidding process at Israel’s Defense Ministry, justified Israel’s long history of relying on the United States to help build military installations by saying that Israel needed “a player that has the knowledge, ability and experience.”

“We are aware of the security issues that arise in deals with foreign firms, but because we want real competition and expertise, we will create conditions that will allow and encourage their participation,” Zeevi said.

It appears, however, that Israeli officials were caught by surprise that details of the facility at Tel Shahar, classified so top secret that Israel’s military won’t officially confirm its location between Jerusalem and , would be made so public.

Jane’s Defence Weekly first wrote about the bidding documents, citing them in a story in which it recounted details of the Arrow 3, a defense system designed to intercept ballistic missiles outside the Earth’s atmosphere that’s expected to become operational in 2015.

According to the bid requests, the Arrow 3 system will include six interceptors in vertical launch positions to be placed in the facility, and a gantry crane would need to be erected for further missiles. The structures encasing the interceptor system are to be constructed from high-grade concrete reinforced with steel mesh grids. They’ll have steel blast doors and a system to protect electrical wiring from the pressure created by a launch.

Israeli officials had announced that they were fast-tracking the Arrow 3 system because of their fear that Iran is developing a nuclear weapon.

1st super-governmental world war begins Israel awakened with its “pants around its ankles.”We are in a nuclear war already

We are in a nuclear war already
As it is with war, the first victim is truth. The first real salvo was May 4th nuclear attack on Syria, one so obvious it is undeniable.

“Israeli submarine off the coast of Lebanon launched a nuclear cruise missile. High resolution video from fifteen miles away clearly identifies the massive flash, the telltale mushroom cloud and the lightning, leaving no doubt that this was a nuclear attack”

The Syrian army has conducted successful operations against foreign-backed militants. (File photo)

1st super-governmental world war begins

The Syrian army has conducted successful operations against foreign-backed militants. (File photo)
, ’s has now awakened to a new world. has a fully operational S-300 air defense system that covers, if they desire, not just much of Lebanon but most of Israel as well.
Israel awakened with its “pants around its ankles.” 

How Israel really struck against the S-300 System
The Daily Beast, a “Newsweek” publication owned by Jane Harmon, a former member of Congress who left office after accusations of spying for Israel, printed a story claiming President Obama ordered a “no fly zone” over Syria.

One hour later, the government ordered Harmon’s publications to print a retraction.

Today, Syria has its own “no fly zone.” 

We are in a nuclear war already
As it is with war, the first victim is truth. The first real salvo was May 4th nuclear attack on Syria, one so obvious it is undeniable.

The American press is continually filled with one wildly inaccurate and conspiratorial monstrosity after another, each one quickly proven false. The stories that are proven

true, the Syrian rebels’ “rape squads” kidnapping and murdering young women and girls in the occupied zones of Syria are censored. Ah, but it isn’t rape when Saudi Wahhabists have issued “three-day marriages” that they say shield rebel rape gangs from the deserved stonings as required by real Koranic law. (although this was permitted by mohamed during his day because his menthreatened to castrate themselves if they could not get at their women slaves, under koranic law temporary marriages are allowed for slaves taken in battle as long as the women are not made pregnant.Stories of kidnappings, of entire Christian villages slaughtered by Al Qaeda affiliates aligned with the rebel “National Council” are suppressed also as are confirmed stories of chemical weapons use by Chechen mercenaries working with the and Al Qaeda against the Damascus government.

Battle lines are being drawn
Lines have been drawn, a war is now officially afoot, but a war like no other. The “allies” are led by Russia under Vladimir Putin. Today’s world struggle brings Russia to the forefront for the first time, openly at odds with her own Zionist oligarchs.

With Putin, and read carefully, are the following groups:
– President Obama, the Defense Department, State Department and Pentagon
– The
– Syria
– Iraq
– Hezbollah

The “Central” or “Axis” powers make up the following:
– Germany
– Turkey (and Iraqi Kurdistan)
– Israel
– Saudi Arabia and Qatar
– Britain and France
Senator John McCain and Al Qaeda
– The AIPAC/Israel Lobby in Congress
– The world’s corporate press as spokesman for world organized crime

The war has begun, fighting, not only in Syria but as terrorist attacks inside the supported by a carefully orchestrated press campaign to spread fear and lies, setting the stage for continual escalating acts of false flag terrorism, most recently Boston and Woolrich.
When the world went to war in August, 1914, the colonial nation states of Europe and the Ottoman Empire began four years of slaughter, driven by secret alliances and treaties. To the world’s intellectual community, the “Great War” signaled an end to civilization. They may well have been right. Today, despite misdirection and censorship on a massive scale, stands close to annihilation. Russia stands ready, backed into a corner with no other option, to obliterate the Jewish state with thermonuclear weapons. As in 1914, it began simply. Then a Serbian anarchist killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand, setting off a chain-reaction of events that led Russia to defend Serbia, France to defend Russia, Germany to defend Austria-Hungary and so on.
Sarajevo 2013, 99 years laterThe realities of today’s world conflict, one fought both “cold and hot,” false flag terrorism, staged revolutions, economic holocaust and a mounting list of casualties, now in the millions, is closer to that of August 1914 than many realize.

That was a Rothschild war, pure and simple. The machinations of colonialism, central banks, debt-based currencies and key government officials, bought and sold much as they are today, brought us our first world conflict.

The war today is, in actuality, a continuation of the world conquest begun then, moving from stage to stage, communist revolution, the obliteration of Germany, the new “soft colonialism” and an unending “low-intensity conflict,” the war on terror, theatrical, scripted and phony.

Perhaps the world may be ready to learn the lessons of history that ignorance has brought to endless repetition.

It seems a few, a brave few, a “band of brothers,” may face down the narrative of victimization mythology and corruption.

What we see now, watch the controlled media, is desperation.

This war began at 2:30AM on May 2, 2013 with the sinking of an Israeli manned German Dolphin submarine that was supporting commando infiltration off the Syrian coast. The sub was spotted, submerged to 150 meters and was hit by a sophisticated guided torpedo.

Syrian helicopters remained over the site of the naval disaster until a Russian flotilla arrived, escorting a salvage ship to secure the nuclear-tipped Tomahawk cruise missiles onboard.

In retaliation, Israel began an artillery bombardment of Syrian positions outside Damascus on May 4. During that bombardment, an

Israeli submarine off the coast of Lebanon launched a nuclear cruise missile. High resolution video from fifteen miles away clearly identifies the massive flash, the telltale mushroom cloud and the lightning, leaving no doubt that this was a nuclear attack.The explosion was picked up by American Vela satellites and confirmed.
morethis incident was also reported by max keiser  WW3 has already started Syria now has the capability to at least take out all Israeli planes after the slaughter of their people by the foreign backed mercenaries they may use these weapons Israel says it will neutralize them is that a threat to nuke Damascus. having already used a tactical nuclear weapon we can only say that yes it is.

Max Keiser Report

war began at 2:30AM on May 2, 2013 with the sinking of an Israeli manned German Dolphin submarine that was supporting commando infiltration off the Syrian coast. The sub was spotted, submerged to 150 meters and was hit by a sophisticated guided torpedo.

Syrian helicopters remained over the site of the naval disaster until a Russian flotilla arrived, escorting a salvage ship to secure the nuclear-tipped Tomahawk cruise missiles onboard.

In retaliation, Israel began an artillery bombardment of Syrian positions outside Damascus on May 4. During that bombardment, an Israeli submarine off the coast of Lebanon launched a nuclear cruise missile. High resolution video from fifteen miles away clearly identifies the massive flash, the telltale mushroom cloud and the lightning, leaving no doubt that this was a nuclear attack.

The explosion was picked up by American Vela satellites and confirmed.

Why the White House now stands with Russia, Syria and Iran
Russian President Vladimir Putin then contacted American President Barak Obama. Putin confirmed that Russia would not allow any further nuclear attacks without responding in kind against Israel and that, under the circumstances, the United States would be advised that “Israel has made her bed, and, if she chooses, she will die in it.”