Libya: Al Queda & Hezbollah Did NATO’s Dirty Work
“We have a copy of an agreement between the would-be rebels and the . The agreement states that will provide arms and training to the rebels until they take over the country and in return for that Israel will get to put a military base in the area of Libya.”
is a replay of Libya with Al Queda again serving as proxy for the Illuminati bankers (“NATO” Israel).
Tag Archives: Al Qaeda
Al-Qaeda’s Syrian wing takes over the oilfields once belonging to Assad
Al-Qaeda‘s Syrian wing is helping to finance its activities by selling the product of oilfields that once helped to prop up the regime of Bashar al-Assad.

Up to 380,000 barrels of crude oil were previously produced by wells around the city of and in the desert region to its east that are now in rebel hands – in particular Jabhat al-Nusra, the al-Qaeda off-shoot which is the strongest faction in this part of the country.
Now the violently anti-Western jihadist group, which has been steadily extending its control in the region, is selling the crude oil to local entrepreneurs, who use home-made refineries to produce low-grade petrol and other fuels for Syrians facing acute shortages.
The ability of Jabhat al-Nusra to profit from the oil locally, despite international sanctions which have hindered its sale abroad, will be particularly worrying to the European Union, which has voted to ease the embargo but at the same time wants to marginalise the extremist group within the opposition.
In the battle for the future of the rebel cause, the oil-fields may begin to play an increasingly strategic role. All are in the three provinces closest to Iraq – Hasakeh, , and Raqqa, while the border regions are the homeland of the Islamic State of Iraq, as al-Qaeda’s branch in the country calls itself.
It was fighters from Islamic State of Iraq, both Iraqi and Syrian, who are thought to have founded Jabhat al-Nusra as the protests against the rule of President Assad turned into civil war.
Because of sanctions, Jabhat’s oil is largely shipped to thousands of home-built mini-refineries that have sprung up across the north of the country. The crude is distilled in hand-welded vats dug into the ground and heated with burning oil residue.
The Jabhat Al Nusra, a proscribed islamic militant group control the oil fields and cannot export due to sanctions, so this provides some cash flow to the rebel cause as well as much needed fuel for
It is not clear how much money is being channelled back to the group. But all those buying the raw product were aware that Jabhat was profiting.
“Jabhat do not ask for taxes or charges for this trade,” said one of them, Omar Mahmoud, from Raqqa province. “But we are buying the oil from them so they do not need to.”
wars and rumours of wars escalation Global Elite Preparing New Korean War to Coincide with Economic Implosion?
Global Elite Preparing New Korean War to Coincide with Economic Implosion?
Kurt Nimmo
April 3, 2013
The Federal Reserve plan to crash the economy and make room for world government and an authoritarian globalist economic and accompanying police state control system will necessitate a sufficient prerequisite – and that prerequisite may very well be a new war on the Korean peninsula.
It should be obvious by now that the Federal Reserve’s so-called quantitative easing – bankster shorthand for pumping fiat dollars into rigged financial markets by buying bonds, treasury bills, etc. – is creating a huge financial asset bubble that is going to burst with an ear-splitting boom… and soon.
If you’d like to get a handle on what Federal Reserve policy will ultimately mean, readDavid Stockman’s article published in the New York Times last Sunday.
Funny money cranked out by the Fed “has stayed trapped in the canyons of Wall Street, where it is inflating yet another unsustainable bubble,” Stockman writes. And when the Wall Street bubble “bursts, there will be no new round of bailouts like the ones the banks got in 2008. Instead, America will descend into an era of zero-sum austerity and virulent political conflict, extinguishing even today’s feeble remnants of economic growth.”
Economic depressions are highly scripted affairs and the banksters use them to initiate big wars – not only because wars are remarkably profitable for the military-industrial complex, but because they serve as an ideal tool for wealth consolidation and fire sales held in their aftermath. Big wars are also exploited to enforce rigid discipline on the masses. It gives the plebs an excuse to accept grinding poverty and servitude.
World War II followed the last Great Depression – directly caused by the Fed, as Helicopter Ben has admitted. Communism, as the late has documented, was created and franchised by Wall Street. The arch globalist kingpin David Rockefeller has praised its ruthless effectiveness in China under the mega-mass murderer Mao.
“As the economic crisis escalates and the debt-based central banking system shows it can no longer re-inflate the bubble by creating assets out of thin air, an economic and political rationale for war is easy to come by,” writes Justin Raimondo.
“It is said that FDR’s New Deal didn’t get us out of the Great Depression, but World War II did,” Raimondo continues. “The truth is that, in wartime, when people are expected to sacrifice for the duration of the ‘emergency,’ economic problems are anesthetized out of existence by liberal doses of nationalist chest-beating and moral righteousness. Shortages and plunging living standards were masked by a wartime rationing system and greatly lowered expectations. And just as World War II inured us to the economic ravages wrought by our thieving elites, so World War III will provide plenty of cover for a virtual takeover of all industry by the government and the demonization of all political opposition as ‘terrorist.’”
It will also provide cover for the “global governance” scheme the globalists are itching to install.
Next Up: A New Korean War
It certainly looks like the elite are planning a war against North Korea. Consider the following remarkable events over the last few days (h/t to Moon of Alabama for contributing).
April 2, 2013 – North Korea Says It Will Restart Reactor to Expand Arsenal
North Korea said on Tuesday that it would put all its nuclear facilities… to use in expanding its nuclear weapons arsenal, sharply raising the stakes in the escalating standoff with the United States and its allies.
April 2, 2013 – Ban Ki-Moon: North Korea On ‘Collision Course’ That Could Lead To War
The U.N. chief says he fears North Korea is on a collision course with other nations that could lead to war.
April 1, 2013 – U.S. moving key vessels nearer North Korea
As analysts try to weigh the weight in North Korea’s military posturing, the U.S. has made a show of increasing its military hardware in South Korea.
April 1, 2013 – U.S. moves missile-tracking radar platform closer to North Korea
The sea-based X-band radar is heading over from Pearl Harbor, a Pentagon official says. The John S. McCain guided missile destroyer is also being sent
Kim Jong-un isn’t the first North Korean leader to use threats for political gain. But the West doesn’t really know what of make of him because of his youth and the uncertainty that shrouds the country.
North Koreans rally in Nampo, North Korea, Wednesday, according to the official North Korean news agency. The rally is reportedly a demonstration of support for victory in a possible war against the United States and South Korea.
U.S. troops ‘poised to respond’ to North Korean threat as Kim Jong Un deploys ballistic missile to within striking range of Japan after he said a nuclear strike had been ‘authorised’ -
South Israel on alert for multiple al Qaeda strike. Iron Dome posted
- Incoming intelligence of All Qaeda groups in the Sinai Peninsula winding up preparations for a multiple attack on an Israeli location, such as Eilat, and a US military target in the Negev, has put southern Israel and US forces posted there on high terror alert. This is reported by DEBKAfile’s military sources.
The Israeli high command decided to treat the five Qassam rockets fired at Shear Hanegev Wednesday, April 3, which were claimed by the Al Qaeda-affiliated Salafist “Jihad Brigades in Jerusalem.” as the opening salvo for this coordinated attack. An Iron Dome battery was accordingly moved Thursday to the Israeli-Egyptian border north of the southern port of Eilat and additional IDF strength directed to the South.
Heavy sandstorms in the region have sharply reduced visibility for troop movements and provided excellent cover for terrorist infiltration.
Dozens of armed Salafist and al Qaeda operatives in SUVs on which heavy machine guns were mounted were sighted Tuesday driving along the northern Sinai road linking Rafah on the Gazan border to Sheikh Zuweid. They withdrew hurriedly to the mountainous central region when a beefed up Egyptian military contingent drew up and was able to catch a few.
The group is believed to be preparing to mount a multiple attack simultaneously from Sinai and the Gaza Strip. Eilat may be one target but others are thought to be US forces based in the Negev and also the many American officers and men of the MFO peacekeeping force in northern Sinai. - MORE
- Western arms to Syrian rebels embargoed over resale to al Qaeda
Al Qaeda’s Nusra fights to seize Syrian Golan in time for Obama visit
Al Qaeda’s Syrian wing, Jabhat al-Nusra, led a Syrian rebel operation Wednesday, March 13, to occupy Golan and cleanse it of every last Syrian troop loyal to Bashar Assad. The Islamists had two more objectives:
1. To be in position for cross-border attacks on Israel and Jordan – possibly in the course of US President Barack Obama’s March 20-22 visits to those countries.
2. To use the “liberated” Syrian Golan as launching pads for a war of attrition against Israel and Jordan – like Taliban’s campaign against NATO forces in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Their deadline for achieving this objective is March 15.
Jabhat al-Nusra kicked off its Golan operation Wednesday, DEBKAfile’s military sources report, by murdering Gen. Nour e-Din Habib, commander of the Syrian Army’s 90th Brigade, parts of which remain on the Golan. He was struck down from a well-planned ambush against his convoy. Also killed in the attack was Col. Radouan Rifai, the brigade’s senior liaison officer with the Syrian 3rd Extended Division.
The purpose of the attack was to disable the brigade by wiping out its top command.
Our military sources add that, in the course of the fighting Wednesday, the Nusra front uncovered a secret network of large tunnels running from different points on the Golan up to the Israeli border. They are big enough for the passage of entire Syrian units with their tanks and heavy trucks, allowing them to pop up without warning against Israeli border units and use their surprise to mow them down and advance into the Israeli sector.
DEBKAfile reported earlier Wednesday:
US President Barack Obama’s first engagement upon landing in Israel on March 20 will be a quick tour of the Iron Dome missile interceptor stationed at Ben Gurion international airport. After a round of handshakes, the officers and men operating the system will explain how it works.
The innovative counter-missile weapon is to be deployed there, not just as a spectacle to honor the US president for his contribution to its development, but out of necessity for his safety. Air Force One might be seen as fair game for the ground-to-ground missiles wielded by Al Qaeda units fighting Assad in Syria and its affiliates in the Sinai Peninsula at the very moment that the US President steps down to the strains of the IDF welcoming band.
In normal circumstances, personal security arrangements for a US presidential foreign visit are kept under close wraps and rarely visible to the public.
full story-http://www.debka.com/article/22819/Al-Qaeda%E2%80%99s-Nusra-fights-to-seize-Syrian-Golan-in-time-for-Obama-visit
Al Qaeda forms volatile 1,000-km chain from Baghdad to Damascus
’s Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz rated war as a “low risk” for the foreseeable future, but credited the risk of escalation as “very high,” in a lecture he delivered Monday, March 11 at the Interdisciplinary Institute for policy and strategy. “Almost every week, some incident occurs that could drag the region into a conflagration,” he warned.
DEBKAfile’s military sources: Gen. Gantz’s distinction between “war” and “conflagration” stems from the differentiation Israel’s senior policy-making and military circles have begun making of late to support a misconception that a full-blown war is no longer on the cards at present. They support this rationale by arguing that full-scale war can only be fought by large regular armies, while a “conflagration” or “escalation” entails smaller units and less terrain.
The Egyptian army, which would be the key to a major conflict, is held up in this regard as being in no state to go to war, given their country’s disastrous political and economic plight. The generals, according to this theory, wouldl take into account the low state of their units and lack of logistical preparedness and simply decline to issue any order to embark on war against Israel.
So when Gantz talked about a conflagration, he was thinking in terms of the Islamist militias in , Hizballah in Lebanon and the Salafists allied with al Qaeda cells in Sinai – none of which are capable of launching war on the classical dimensions of the past.
What this kind of thinking omits to take into account is that, while the regular Arab national armies which attacked Israel in the past are indeed crumbling, the militias in their countries are mushrooming dangerously. They are bursting out of their national boundaries, nourished with arms, manpower and funding from distant sources in and beyond the Middle East.
DEBKAfile’s military sources point to the example of the Syrian army’s 17th Reserve Division, whose recent defeat in the battle for the in eastern Syria established a regional landmark. It removed the last gap in the 1,000-kilometer long chain of command formed by Islamist forces identified or associated with al Qaeda, which now runs contiguously from the northern outskirts of Baghdad to the eastern fringes of Damascus. The Syrian Golan, since it fell to the Islamist militias fighting with Syrian rebels, forms part of that chain. The Battle for the Euphrates was a landmark event in that it opened the way for al Qaeda to conduct itself as a transnational force in combat. And indeed, in a recent encounter, al Qaeda in Iraq claimed victory over Syrian military units which, having crossed the border into that country, lost the battle at the cost of 48 soldiers and 9 agents dead.
Therefore, any “conflagration” in Syria, for instance, could quickly spread to Lebanon, Iraq or the Golan; and a violent incident in Egypt may emanate from or spill over into Libya, Israel or Algeria.