note this travesty is an example of Jesus words what does it profit for a man to gain the world but to loose his soul

VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope John Paul II has cleared the final obstacle before being made a saint, awaiting just the final approval from Pope Francis and a date for the ceremony that could come as soon as Dec. 8, a Vatican official and news reports said Tuesday.

The ANSA news agency reported that a commission of cardinals and bishops met Tuesday to consider John Paul’s case and signed off on it. A Vatican official confirmed that the decision had been taken some time back and that Tuesday’s meeting was essentially a formality.

One possible canonization date is Dec. 8, the feast of the Immaculate Conception, a major feast day for the Catholic Church. This year the feast coincidentally falls on a Sunday, which is when canonizations usually occur.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he is not authorized by the church to discuss saint-making cases on the record, confirmed reports in La Stampa newspaper that John Paul could be canonized together with Pope John XXIII, who called the Second Vatican Council but died in 1963 before it was finished.

There is reasoned precedent for beatifying or canonizing two popes together, primarily to balance one another out.

John Paul has been on the fast track for possible sainthood ever since his 2005 death, but there remains some concern that the process has been too quick. Some of the Holy See’s deep-seated problems – clerical sex abuse, dysfunctional governance and more recently the financial scandals at the Vatican bank – essentially date from shortcomings of his pontificate.

Defenders of the fast-track process argue that people are canonized, not pontificates.

But the Vatican in the past has sought to balance concerns about papal saints by giving two the honor at the same time. Such was the case in 2000, when John Paul beatified John XXIII, dubbed the “good pope,” alongside Pope Pius IX, who was criticized by Jews for condoning the seizure of a Jewish boy and allegedly referring to Jews as dogs.

By canonizing John Paul II along with John XXIII, the Vatican could be seeking to assuage concerns about John Paul’s fast-track sainthood case by tying it together with the 50-year wait John XXIII has had to endure.

Many Poles have been awaiting the final steps of John Paul’s progress, which has been pushed for by Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz, the Polish pope’s longtime private secretary.

“We should be very happy if it is confirmed,” Dziwisz’s spokesman, the Rev. Robert Necek told Polish TVN24 television. “This is the next and the last step towards canonization. It will be presented to Pope Francis and the pope will take the appropriate decision.”

During John Paul’s 2005 funeral Mass, chants of “Santo Subito!” or “Sainthood Now!” erupted in St. Peter’s Square. Heeding the calls, then-Pope Benedict XVI waived the typical five-year waiting period and allowed an investigation into John Paul’s life to begin immediately. The investigation determined that the beloved Polish-born pope lived a virtuous life, the first step in the sainthood process.

Subsequently, the Vatican determined that a French nun who prayed for his intercession was miraculously cured of Parkinson’s disease. A second miracle is needed for canonization. The Vatican hasn’t divulged any details about that second purported miracle.

Pope Emeritus Benedict appears ‘half his previous size’ relieved to no longer have the weight of the Church’ on him

Pope Emeritus has lost so much weight in the last few weeks that he appears to have shrunk to “half his previous size,” according to a German cardinal who visited him.

Joachim Meisner, the Archbishop of Cologne, was shocked at how Benedict’s state of health had deteriorated, saying he appeared to have physically shrunk.

Cardinal Meisner went to see Benedict on March 18, the day before Pope Francis was inaugurated as his successor.

At the time Benedict was living in , the papal summer residence outside Rome, having resigned from the Seat of St Peter on February 28.Pope Benedict XVI walks away for the last time as head of the Catholic Church on Feb. 28, 2013 in Rome, Italy.

“I was shocked at how thin he had become,” Cardinal Meisner told the German Catholic News Agency (KNA).

Pope Emeritus Benedict ‘relieved to no longer have the weight of the Church’ on him, brother says

— The former Pontiff, Pope Emeritus Benedict, is “relieved” to be free of the responsibility of running the Catholic Church, his elder brother has said, but he insisted that Benedict was not suffering from illness.

Father Georg Ratzinger, himself a priest, told The Daily Telegraph his younger brother was “very happy” to be living at Castel Gandolfo, the papal summer retreat south of Rome that he moved to after stepping down in February, becoming the first pope to resign in 600 years. Fr. Ratzinger, 88, who travelled from Germany to celebrate Benedict’s 86th birthday on April 16, said his brother “still suffers the problems of the Church, but is really relieved to no longer have the weight of the Church on his shoulders”.

Speaking by telephone from his house in , Mr Ratzinger denied the pope emeritus was suffering from major ailments. “He is now very old, he does not have any particular illness, but he is weakening due to his age,” he said.

Pope Benedict cited advancing age when he announced his resignation amid reports that his hearing and sight were failing. It also emerged he had a pacemaker fitted a decade ago.

Peter Seewald, a German journalist said he had never seen Benedict look “so worn down” after a recent meeting.


This week in religion history: Pope John Paul II survives an assassination attempt 

Pope Francis Lays Groundwork For One World Religion ;Cardinal Says Pope Francis Preparing To Launch “Prophetic” Phase Of Vatican II Against “Fundamentalists”

Pope Francis Lays Groundwork For One World Religion
Does Pope Francis intend to help the global elite achieve their goal of uniting all of the religions of the world under a single banner? Will he be instrumental in establishing a single global religion for the glorious “new age” that the global elite believe is coming? After he was elected, the cover of Time Magazine declared Pope Francis to be the “New World Pope“, and since his election Pope Francis has made it abundantly clear that he is going to make ecumenical outreach a top priority. He has spoken of his “determination to continue on the path of ecumenical dialogue“, and he has already held a number of very high profile ecumenical meetings. Not only has he worked hard to reach out to leaders from various Christian traditions, he has also made it a point to try to acknowledge the mutual bonds that he feels with all other religions. For example, in one recent address he made it a point to say that he believes that Muslims worship and pray to the “one God” that he also worships. This “all roads lead to the same God” philosophy is a hallmark of the one world religion that the global elite have been slowly building toward for decades

Cardinal Says Pope Francis Preparing To Launch “Prophetic” Phase Of Vatican II Against “Fundamentalists”
Cardinal Walter Kasper said that Pope Francis is beginning a “new phase” of the Second Vatican Council. The cardinal made the case in an article in Italian in the Vatican newspaper . According to an English translation by the commentator John Thavis, the cardinal referred to the Pope’s comments: “Pope Francis, from the first day of his pontificate, has given what I would call his prophetic interpretation of the Council, and has inaugurated a new phase of… a Church that has a wintery look, and shows clear signs of crisis.” He added that “the Church needs to take seriously the legitimate requests of the modern age. It needs to defend the faith against… the fundamentalist tendencies that run from reason”.