mark of the beast gets a new dimension:The daily smart pill that can remember all your passwords: Tablets can transmit personal details to devices as they pass through body Read more:

  • Electronic devices can read a unique signal coming from a chip in the pill
  • Sensor works from inside the stomach and is powered by the stomach’s acid
  • Controversial technology developed by -based Proteus Digital Health
  • Pill has been approved by European and American food and drug regulators
No need to remember: The revolutionary pill contains a chip that could end the need for passwords and paper forms of IDNo need to remember: The revolutionary pill contains a chip that could end the need for passwords and paper forms of ID

For forgetful types, it promises to be a new wonder pill.

But far from boosting the memory, the tiny swallowable capsules contain a minute chip that transmits an individual’s personal details.

Electronic devices will be able to read the unique signal, ending the need for passwords and paper forms of ID, such as passports – and freeing users from such mundane tasks as recalling countless codes and security answers.

Already approved by the both the and European regulators, the ingestible sensor is powered by a battery using the acid in the wearer’s stomach.

Each pill is designed to move through the body at the normal process of digestion, and according to engineers working on the device, it can be taken every day for up to a month.

Based on a technology developed by California-based Proteus Digital Health, it contains a computer chip and a switch, which is activated when it comes in contact with acid in the user’s body.

It then sends a tiny signal that can be read by mobile devices and allows them to verify the identity of an individual.

The controversial pill is being championed by Motorola executive, Regina Dugan, once dubbed ‘America’s smartest engineer’.

‘Essentially, your entire body becomes your authentication token,’ she said.

She was the first female director of government’s spy technology agency Darpa (Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency) before joining Google’s Motorola Mobility division last year.

Speaking at a conference last month, she said: ‘Authentication is irritating. In fact it’s so irritating only about half the people do it.

 ‘Despite the fact there is a lot of information about you on your smartphone, which makes you far more prone to identity theft.

‘After 40 years of advances in computation, we’re still authenticating the same way we did years ago – passwords. In fact it’s worse, the average users does it 39 times a day and it takes them 2.3 seconds every time they do it.

Controversial: The new technology has been created by Proteus Digital Health who are planning to create electronic tattoos that can hold personal dataControversial: The new technology has been created by Proteus Digital Health who are planning to create electronic tattoos that can hold personal data

Power users will do it up to 100 times a day. So what are we doing about it? Well [Motorola] is thinking of a whole variety of options for how to do better at authentication such as near-term things including tokens or fobs that have NFC or bluetooth.

‘But you can also think about a means of authentication you can wear on your skin every day, say an electronic tattoo or a vitamin pill.’

The company is also exploring the use electronic tattoos that contain personal verification data.

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DARPA Continues Human Experiments to Create Military Super Soldiers

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has a $2 billion yearly budget for research into creating a super solider as well as developing a synthetic police force. Working with the human genome, DARPA hopes to manipulate certain gene expressions. In experimentation, DARPA and the military industrial pharmaceutical complex are using natural abilities that are enhanced through genetic engineering.

Some of the medical feats DARPA would like to enhance are the ability of military soldiers to regrow limbs destroyed in battle.

By eliminating empathy, the hopes to “enhance” a soldier’s abilityto “kill without care or remorse, shows no fear, can fight battle after battle without fatigue and generally behave more like a machine than a man.”

Scientists are researching the construction of soldiers that feel no pain, terror and do not suffer from fatigue as tests on the wiring of the human brain are furthered by Jonathan Moreno, professor of bioethics at . Moreno is working with the DoD in understanding neuroscience. allocated $400 million to this research.

Further study could be passed onto the general public in order to maximize profits as well as enhance the drug’s effectiveness. According to Joel Garreau, professor at Arizona University, DARPA is learning how to genetically modify human fat into pure energy by rewiring the metabolic switch which would create soldiers that require less food. By using gene therapy and combining enhancements to alter the color of the human eye is a blending of mutations that have no basis in the natural world.

In 2011, the British Academy of Medical Sciences published a paper explaining the necessity for “new rules to avoid ethical missteps.” Specifying the injection of human brain cells into animals that may give animals human memories or thought consciousness as the goal should be dealt with differently than a non-modified animal.

Human embryos can strengthen or deteriorate the animal test subject which prompted Senator Sam Brownback to push the Human Chimera Prohibition Act of 2005. Brownback expressed need for prevention of closed-door experiments that “blur the lines between human and animal, male and female, parent and child, and one individual and another individual.” The ethical aspect could be defined by two mandates of consideration:super-soldier-in-repose

1. They could target the hypothetical scientists creating monsters in petri dishes.
2. They could take a close look at the science that’s really happening in labs around the world.

In addition to genetically modifying the human genome, global Elite are obsessed with the merging man and machine, transhumanism and immortality


DARPA: New Terror Threats Demand New Technologies

DARPA: New Terror Threats Demand New Technologies
To deal with the complexities of modern warfare, DARPA seeks to develop integrated and layered systems that can continue to give the military a decisive edge. Examples of technologies that could increase in potency when used in this way include “adaptive electronic warfare,” manned and unmanned systems, tactical cyber capabilities, and advanced intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance. “Modern warfare may be too complex for a single new capability to deliver sustained superiority across a variety of scenarios,” according to the document, titled “Driving Technological Surprise: DARPA’s Mission In A Changing World.” The agency’s investment strategy is to use advanced, commercially available technologies where possible while encouraging new development at universities, government labs and private sector companies, as well as through…

DARPA Developing Guided Bullet With DEAD Reckoning Navigation: Not Only Has Your Name On It, But Address Too
DARPA’s director has announced that GPS is past its prime, and war-boffins have set out to create an alternative, or complementary, technology designed to be small enough to fit inside small-caliber ammunition. GPS is wonderfully ubiquitous, and a great gift from the US military to the rest of the world, but it’s not too accurate – and vulnerable to jamming. This is not even to mention that it only works with line of sight to the sky, all of which has prompted DARPA to come up with a better alternative squeezed into an 8mm cube. That model uses gyroscopes, accelerometers and an atomic clock (development of the latter having been kicked off in 2008) to navigate by dead reckoning. Assuming one knows the starting position, or at least where one wishes to be in relation to that point, then navigation is just a matter of knowing one’s speed and duration of travel – with suitable accuracy of course. Last we heard it was being slipped into…

DARPA Begins Building Skynet And Its Robots With ‘Real’ Brains Meet Your Future Enemy:

DARPA Begins Building Skynet And Its Robots With ‘Real’ Brains
The next frontier for the robotics industry is to build machines that think like humans. Scientists have pursued that elusive goal for decades, and they believe they are now just inches away from the finish line. A Pentagon-funded team of researchers has constructed a tiny machine that would allow robots to act independently. Unlike traditional artificial intelligence systems that rely on conventional computer programming, this one “looks and ‘thinks’ like a human brain,” said James K. Gimzewski, professor of chemistry at the . Gimsewski is a member of the team that has been working under sponsorship of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency on a program called “physical intelligence.” This technology could be the secret to making robots that are truly autonomous, Gimsewski said during a conference call hosted by Technolink, a -based industry group. This project does not use standard robot hardware with integrated circuitry, he said. The device that his team constructed is capable, without being programmed like a traditional robot, of performing actions similar to humans, Gimsewski said.

Next Generation Biometrics To UseBrain Waves
There are many different solutions coming to market aiming to make secure Web and computer login easy and secure. Biometrics have been considered and deployed but adoption right out of science fiction is emerging that would authenticate via brain waves. Students and a professor at the University of California Berkley School of Information is working on a system that would have a user wear a headset equipped with electroencephalograms – EEGs – to measure brain wave activity. Using brain waves for identification is not a new idea but the technology used to read those brainwaves is new, according to a release from the UC School of information. “Traditional clinical EEGs typically employ dense arrays of electrodes to record 32, 64, 128, or 256 channels of EEG data. But new consumer-grade headsets use just a single dry-contact sensor resting against the user’s forehead, providing a single-channel EEG signal from the brain’s left frontal lobe,” the release states.

Are We Paying Enough Attention To Information Technology’s Dark Side?
For centuries, the threat and selective use of brute force has steered the international balance of power. In the last couple decades, the system has increasingly accommodated economic power as a means of non-violent leverage between states. Now, says ’s Marc Goodman, we must add technology into the mix. Technological power is not new, of course, but information technology’s exponential pace and declining cost is changing how the global game is played and who the players are. Control of technology is passing from the richest states and governments to smaller groups and individuals, and the results are both inspiring and terrifying. As Goodman says, “The ability of one to affect many is scaling exponentially—and it’s scaling for good and it’s scaling for evil.”


Meet Your Future Enemy: Pentagon Developing Humanoid Terminator Robots That Will Soon Carry Weapons 
Have no illusions about where this is headed: wants to develop and deploy a robotic army of autonomous soldiers that will kill without hesitation. It’s only a matter of time before these robots are armed with rifles, grenade launchers and more. Their target acquisition systems can be a hybrid combination of both thermal and night vision technologies, allowing them to see humans at night and even detect heat signatures through building walls. This is the army humanity is eventually going to face. You’d all better start getting familiar with the anatomy of humanoid robots so that you know where to shoot them for maximum incapacitation effect. You’d also better start learning how to sew thermal blankets into clothing, hoodies and scarves in order to fool thermal imaging systems.