Do we all pray to the same GOD:Pope Francis Romanus To Organize “Peace Meeting” Between World’s Three Major Religions

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As Predicted In Petrus Romanus: Israel-Vatican Deal Is Imminent


Deputy Foreign Minister Ze’ev Elkin was in for high-level negotiations with Vatican officials over several outstanding land and building issues revolving around properties owned by the Holy See in . Elkin visited the Holy See to continue decades-long talks on a comprehensive land deal between Israel and the Vatican, Maariv reported Thursday. Elkin told the Hebrew daily that, after meeting with the Vatican negotiating team and then separately with Pope Francis I, he thought an agreement would be signed by the end of the year, which would pave the way for the new pope’s promised visit to the Holy Land. Elkin’s meetings Wednesday were the first such negotiations in two years. The two main points of discussion revolved around Vatican requests to build two new centers in Israel.


Here It Comes – Pope Francis Romanus To Organize “Peace Meeting” Between World’s Three Major Religions, In Rome
Israeli government sources claim Francis is apparently thinking of calling a meeting between leaders and faithful of the world’s three biggest monotheistic religions, in Rome, to launch a message of peace, countering violence and the use of God’s name to justify hatred and terrorist acts. The sources say the Pope announced his intention to call a meeting, during an Audience last 30 April. According to the information contained in a summary of the Audience received by the Israeli government, Francis told Peres he “whole-heartedly supported” his appeal against violence and that “he wanted to promote a meeting between religious leaders and faithful of the three major religions” founded by Abraham, “in Rome”. The aim would be to “make people see” that the religions “oppose violence and terrorism.”