Ingestible, Implantable, Embedding Your Mark Of The Beast:2,000-Year-Old Ritual Bath With “Sophisticated Tech” Found In Jerusalem: Mind Control Is Now Reality

Ingestible, Implantable, Or Intimate Contact? Forbes Magazine Wants To Know How You Prefer Advances Toward Embedding Your Mark Of The Beast
Computer chips and silicon micromachines are ready for your body. It’s time to decide how you’ll take them: implantable, ingestible, or intimate contact. Every flavor now exists. Some have and some are seeking it. Others are moving quickly out of the research lab stage. With the round one Qualcomm Tricorder X-Prize entries due in one year, we’re soon to see a heavy dose of sensors tied to the mobile wireless revolution. Implantable sensors exist for a number of applications, having been used in animals for pet identification for many years. The most recently announced is implanted into animal brains with the long-term goal of enabling humans with paralysis to control machines with their minds. These implantable sensors have this in common: they self-contain what is needed to transmit information from inside your body without batteries and without wires. These are already shown to work; several are now seeking FDA approval. From the perspective of a patient, I suspect you’d accept these inside your body

Archaeologists in Jerusalem say they’ve found a 2,000-year-old ritual bath with a sophisticated system to keep water pure, Israel’s Antiquities Authority (IAA) announced. The bath, known as a miqwe or mikveh, was found at a site in southwest Jerusalem’s  quarter, and researchers say it had a unique water supply system. The miqwe collected rainwater from three basins, which were cut into the roof of the bath, and sent water into an underground immersion chamber through channels, explained IAA excavation director Benyamin Storchan. Storchan said in a statement that this system was more complex than that of other baths of the same time period, which typically had a small rock-cut pool nearby that supplied rainwater to the underground chamber.

Mind Control Is Now Reality
It’s the stuff of sci-fi movies — mind control, where you just direct your mind to make something happen and it does, such as using your thoughts to mentally control a space ship. But more and more your brain waves have the power to actually manipulate and move objects. The early work on mind control goes back nearly 100 years with the discovery of electroencephalography (popularly known as the EEG) by German psychiatrist Hans Berger, who made the first EEG recordings in 1924 and first reported on the rise and fall of alpha and beta waves. Then, in the 1970s, biofeedback became a big craze, and I went to numerous workshops at Esalen and in San Francisco, where the goal was to relax to increase one’s alpha waves, associated with calm meditation and creative thinking, and reduce one’s beta waves, associated with the everyday awake state and logical thinking.

Revelation 13:17 next stage: end of the road for the Oyster card? London buses now accept pay-by-tap credit cards

Revelation 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Gone are the days of not being allowed to board a bus because you don’t have the right change or because your Oyster card has no money on it.

From today passengers on London buses will be able to pay for the ride by credit card.

They will be able to use pay-by-tap credit and debit cards in the same way that commuters currently use Oyster cards, with the system taking payment directly from the bank account.

It means that you don’t have to pay up front for an Oyster card, or run the risk of finding a driver who refuses to break a £5 note.

London Underground is expected to follow suit in the future, The Register reports.

It will also be a financial boost to Transport For London, which has to hand over a proportion of every top-up to the companies running the Oyster scheme.

There had been a plan to offset the costs by convincing shopkeepers to accept Oyster cards to pay for newspapers, cigarettes and the like, but they were very reluctant.

Now the plan is to go the other way in accepting bank cards at tube turnstiles and on bus ticket machines.

The new system will use MasterCard’s PayPass platform: but it should also support cards using Visa’s PayWave system.Boarding pass: The buses will be quipped with MasterCard's PayPass system

Read more:

Trans-humanism Mark of the beast 666 technology singularity closer than you think

New Biometric Cryptology Takes Us One Step Closer To The Mark Of The Beast
Over the years there have been many theories concerning the Mark of the Beast and more specifically how the tracking of everyone’s buying and selling habits can be controlled. Revelation 13:16-17 states: He [the beast] causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Smart Cards, Bio Chips, and Bar Code Scans have been some of the technologies in the last twenty years that have been scrutinized as possible vehicles for a monetary control system that is described in Revelation. There is now a new technology that goes on the watch list that may help usher in a cashless society. While you might expect such a venture to be developed in a mainline University such as MIT, the School of Mines and Technology, a state college in Rapid City, South Dakota is the location of this new technology that is actively being tested among selected students.

For System Of The Beast: The Need To Redefine What It Means To Be Human
What does it mean to be human? Biology has a simple answer: If your DNA is consistent with Homo sapiens, you are human — but we all know that humanity is a lot more complex and nuanced than that. Other schools of science might classify humans by their sociological or psychological behavior, but again we know that actually being humanis more than just the sum of our thoughts and actions. You can also look at being human as a sliding scale. If you were to build a human from scratch, from the bottom up, at some point you cross the threshold into humanity — if you believe in evolution, at some point we ceased being a great ape and became human. Likewise, if you slowly remove parts from a human, you cross the threshold into inhumanity. Again, though, we run into the same problem: How do we codify, classify, and ratify what actually makes us human?

Head-On Collisions Between DNA-Code Reading Accelerates Gene Evolution
Bacteria appear to speed up their evolution by positioning specific genes along the route of expected traffic jams in DNA encoding. Certain genes are in prime collision paths for the moving molecular machineries that read the DNA code, as University of Washington scientists explain in this week’s edition of Nature. The spatial-organization tactics their model organism,Bacillus subtilis, takes to evolve and adapt might be imitated in other related Gram-positive bacteria, including harmful, ever-changing germs like staph, strep, and listeria, to strengthen their virulence or cause persistent infections. The researchers think that these mechanisms for accelerating evolution may be found in other living creatures as well. Replication — the duplicating of the genetic code to create a new set of genes- and transcription — the copying of DNA code to produce a protein — are not separated by time or space in bacteria. Therefore, clashes between these machineries are inevitable. Replication traveling rapidly along a DNA strand can be stalled by a head-on encounter or same-direction brush with slower-moving transcription. The senior authors of the study, Houra Merrikh, UW assistant…

After the Tribulation (Full Movie)

The video is here to create debate and  discussion



When thou art in tribulation,
and all these things are come upon thee,
even in the latter days,
if thou turn to the LORD thy God,
and shalt be obedient unto His voice;
(For the LORD thy God is a merciful God)
He will not forsake thee, neither destroy thee,
nor forget the covenant of thy fathers
which He sware unto them..


1 Thessalonians 4:16-17  For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven
with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the
trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:  Then
we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together
with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so
shall we ever be with the Lord.
1 Corinthians 15:51-52  Behold, I shew you a mystery; we shall not all
sleep,  but  we  shall  all  be  changed,  In  a moment,  in  the
twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall
sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we
shall be changed.2