Tag Archives: Obama
President Obama makes non important deals with America’s new deadly foe as China is flexing its muscles in the Pacific Ocean and all out cyber-warefare
Barack Obama confronted President Xi Jinping over allegations of cyber theft yesterday but they agreed to tackle climate change at a Californian summit.
The U.S. President privately presented Xi with detailed evidence of intellectual property theft emanating from China, according to the Huffington Post.
While Obama did not address the media, his national security advisor Tom Donilon said the direct theft of U.S. property would hurt relations between the two countries if not resolved.

While there were reportedly few clear policy breakthroughs on cybersecurity, Chinese officials said Xi opposed all forms of cyberspying and claimed no responsibility for attacks against the U.S.
‘Cybersecurity should not become the root cause of mutual suspicion and frictions between our two countries,’ Yang Jiechi, Xi’s senior foreign policy adviser, told reporters.
‘Rather, it should be a new bright spot in our cooperation.’ Read more:
flashback related
China is flexing its muscles in the
China’s Navy ships moved to the Western part of the Pacific for military exercise. In response Tokyo expressed its concern about the growing naval activity of the Chinese Armed Forces in that region.
According to Japanese mass media, a group consisting of four battle ships (frigates) of the Chinese Navy passed through the waters between the of Okinawa and Miyako. The Chinese Defense Ministry already made a statement that the tour of the ships is connected to the preparation of the annual military exercise of routine nature. In response to the concern of the Japanese side, Beijing stated that China has a free right to pass in those waters. According to the Chinese authorities, that is completely within the norms of international law and common practice.
Fresh revelations about the scale of U.S. surveillance programs reveal Barack Obama’s broken promises

In 2008, a small legal foundation in San Francisco launched a civil action for customers against the , claiming it was illegally obtaining their phone records.
The aim was to test the legal boundaries of what staffers believed was a vast government surveillance program of Americans’ private communications.
I think we got balance right, Obama claims as furor intensifies over massive spy programs
President Barack Obama promised the American people “nobody is listening to your telephone calls” as he faced tough questions Friday over whether he had allowed U.S. surveillance to run out of control.
Speaking on the eve of a major U.S.-China summit in California, Obama was forced to answer accusations that his administration had expanded on Bush-era surveillance systems that he had once campaigned against.
Under intense fire from both the liberal Left and libertarian Right for trampling on constitutional freedoms, the president defended secret programs that collect data on hundreds of millions of phone calls and harvest huge amounts of online information about foreigners. “In the abstract you can complain about Big Brother or how this is a potential program run amok, but when you actually look at the details I think we’ve struck the right balance,” Obama said, insisting that they were vital in the fight against terrorism.
Since then, federal and appeals courts have kicked the little-known case around, never killing it, just letting it flounder against a wall of claims the information was “classified” and “top secret.”
“The government has raised every legal privilege it could possibly muster to block a regular federal court from hearing the case,” said Mark Rumold, a staff lawyer at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, which launched the case.
The EFF lawyers were trying to put an end to a nationwide domestic surveillance program they had no real proof even existed.
“I kind of hoped that we were wrong, that the government wasn’t doing what we alleged,” he said. “But we were right, unfortunately.”
In fact, the U.S. government is not only obtaining the phone records of hundreds of millions of Americans, it is also operating a covert program, called Prism, which obtains email and other electronic data records from Internet companies, such as Google, Facebook and Apple.
I think we got balance right, Obama claims as furor intensifies over massive spy programs
President Barack Obama promised the American people “nobody is listening to your telephone calls” as he faced tough questions Friday over whether he had allowed U.S. surveillance to run out of control.
Speaking on the eve of a major U.S.-China summit in California, Obama was forced to answer accusations that his administration had expanded on Bush-era surveillance systems that he had once campaigned against.
Under intense fire from both the liberal Left and libertarian Right for trampling on constitutional freedoms, the president defended secret programs that collect data on hundreds of millions of US phone calls and harvest huge amounts of online information about foreigners. “In the abstract you can complain about Big Brother or how this is a potential program run amok, but when you actually look at the details I think we’ve struck the right balance,” Obama said, insisting that they were vital in the fight against terrorism.
After 8 months, the whistle blowers are coming forward and the truth about is shredding Obama’s treasonous cover up and lies.
Obama position
The attack on Benghazi was merely a response to a video on Islam by a guy no one had ever heard of before. The people were reacting and protesting…you know, they had some sort of reason for attacking. US Ambassador to the United Nations said on at least 6 different shows on Sept. 16th that the attack was in response to the You Tube video. Hillary and Obama boldly agreed.
Obama also put out in is official statement that no one was told to stand down. Help was not denied, yet according to the SEALS Doherty and Woods who were working with the in Benghazi, they heard the shooting and promptly called for help. They were told to ‘stand down.’ When the shooting continued they called for help again and were told to stand down again. They kept shooting and killing as many terrorists as they could while trying to get help.
It was confirmed that there was a drone flying overhead and a C-130 aircraft heavily armed that was in the area that could have responded. It was told to stand down as well. Heroes Doherty and Woods were eventually killed while Obama betrayed his troops and nation. Blood was on his hands when he got on the plane the next day to campaign in Las Vegas. Then we saw the sea of spin and lies grow. learn more
Obama To Mexico: Guns Used To Commit Violence Here Come From The US Whistleblower ATF Agent: “I was ordered to let U.S. guns into Mexico”
Obama To : Most Of The Guns Used To Commit Violence Here Come From The
President Barack Obama has concluded a trip to Central America by promising to help Mexico fight its deadly drugs gangs, and to enhance the trade between the two countries.
More than a billion dollars of trade is conducted across the border each day, making the two nations by far each other’s most important bilateral trading partner. And yet the border also has a dark side: Mexican drug lords have the world’s biggest market right on their doorstep, and illegal access to the firearms that Americans pride themselves in owning.

President Barack Obama delivers a speech at the Anthropology Museum in Mexico City, Mexico, Friday, May 3, 2013. Underlying Obama’s visit was his desire to persuade the U.S. public and lawmakers that Mexico no longer poses the illegal immigration threat it once did. (AP Photo/Dario Lopez-Mills)
Obama’s Collectivism Rears Its Ugly Head
This LIVE Sunday, April 7 broadcast of the Alex Jones Show is another incredibly important edition with the intensifying crisis in North Korea reaching epic proportions. Alex welcomes world-renowned crisis negotiator Dr. Steve Pieczenik to give a special report from the edge of the Korean DMZ. Alex will also break down the collectivist authoritarians openly admitting their agenda is state takeover of the role of parenting, as well as Vice President Biden once again calling for a New World Order. Spread the word of revolution against tyranny now