By Jon Rappoport
May 12, 2013

This article is dedicated to Bonnie Lange, my dear friend and publisher, who passed away last week. Bonnie was an unbound creative spirit who lived her life as a titanic vision. Leaving her physical form behind, she expands her vision, her life, her work, her ever-present joy. Much love, my friend…
NBC News is in the process of appointing a new chief. The purpose? To rearrange what is already false reality, to make it more interesting and dramatic.
The are grasping at straws. Their ratings reflect a continuing audience exodus.
I once wrote that, if tomorrow the top news anchors admitted they were drag queens, the whole country would immediately collapse. That’s how fragile America actually is.
I’ve updated that comment, because the is now so tolerant the top anchors could come out as collies or toasters and everyone would feel compelled to consider the revelation with warm regard.
So here is the new formulation: If tomorrow, television news disappeared completely, the human mind would lose its mirror and chaos would ensue.
The minds of most viewers lack context, are satisfied with cartoons of reality, yearn for authorities, and will accept any version of “being informed.”
This is what the news is all about. The superficial mind clings to the news as a representation of what the mind is.
Take away that mirror and millions of people would enter a highly disturbing void, an absence, a vacuum.
It would be quite interesting.
Some people would realize the degree to which they demand to be told what to think, what to see, what to assume. Others would simply spin into a deep confusion.
At bottom, most minds want to know what exists, even if the portrait is a total lie. A lie is better than nothing. “Give me something, anything.”
That morbid desire is in direct proportion to the absence of any ambition to create reality on one’s own.
Every psyop since the dawn of time is based on, and works because of, the individual’s refusal to create his own reality.
This refusal is, in turn, the cornerstone of highly organized, layered, hierarchical, top-down societies.
These societies generate majestic deceptions, enemies, wars, and huge disparities between the haves and the have-nots. History reveals many elements of progress, but it doesn’t show a solution to these chronic injustices.
To put it another way, the solutions will not appear, in the long run, until millions of people do, in fact, create their own realities.
And that capacity to create requires a revolution at the deepest possible level.
Most people don’t even understand what it means, and/or won’t admit it’s possible.
They would rather rearrange deck chairs on a sinking ship:
“Give me THESE liars as leaders (creators of mass reality), and if you won’t do that, give me THOSE liars as leaders…”
“Ladies and gentlemen, this is the end of the last newscast anywhere. Good night and good luck.” Blackout.
If government’s media mouthpiece were gone, people would be forced to make up their own minds about government. And eventually, they would. And it wouldn’t be a happy moment, for government.
Unsurprisingly, the first “newspapers,” in ancient China, Egypt, and , were government-issued bulletins. They were decrees, commands, and announcements.
They were deployed to control citizens’ actions and paint an official picture of reality.

At some point, leaders recognized that, with the expansion of individual freedom, more subtle methods for control and “guided perception” were necessary. Hence, modern media.
For this to work, reporters had to be elevated to privileged status. They were now town criers dressed to kill.
“Owing to excessive propaganda, lies, and style masquerading as substance, all news is canceled.” That would be a kind of forced declaration of independence.