‘termite apocalypse’ which spread overnight through USA southern states

was struck by tens of thousands of swarming Formosan termites on Wednesday night causing hundreds of thousands of people’s skin to crawl.

Resembling something out of a creepy disaster movie, the termites made for any car headlights, streetlights or lit homes they could find in residential or commercial areas.

Usually the termites swarm like clockwork at the beginning of May, but with cooler temperatures in the New Orleans area combined with drier air the termite outbreak was delayed until last night’s warmer conditions.
From Violet to the Bywater and Covington to Algiers, reports of termite swarms across the the New Orleans metro area on Wednesday

From Violet to the and Covington to , reports of termite swarms across the the New Orleans metro area on Wednesday

Massive infestations in and around New Orleans have become endemic along and at the naval shipyard in Algiers.

Critters be Crawling: The Formosan termites flew across the New Orleans area in their tens of thousands last night Critters be Crawling: The Formosan termites flew across the New Orleans area in their tens of thousands last night


I Need More Bug Spray: One man holds aloft his weapons against the bug infestation last night in New Orleans I Need More Bug Spray: One man holds aloft his weapons against the bug infestation last night in New Orleans


The termites took to the skies across the south and were late this year - usually attempting to mate at the beginning of MayThe termites took to the skies across the south and were late this year – usually attempting to mate at the beginning of May

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Obama: Gun Control Wont Lead to Confiscation Because I Am Constrained by a System Our Founders Put in Place

DENVER, CO – APRIL 03: U.S. President Barack Obama addresses gun control issues during a speech at the Denver Police Academy on April 3, 2013 in . Obama commended ’s newly passed gun control laws. Credit: Getty Images

DENVER (TheBlaze/AP) — Ratcheting up pressure for to limit access to guns, President Barack Obama said Wednesday that recent steps by Colorado to tighten its gun laws show “there doesn’t have to be a conflict” between keeping citizens safe and protecting Second Amendment rights to gun ownership.

“I believe there doesn’t have to be a conflict in reconciling these realities,” Obama said in Denver, where he stepped up his call for background checks for all gun purchases and renewed his demand that Congress at least vote on banning assault weapons and limiting access to large-capacity ammunition magazines.

The president dismissed gun owners’ concerns that gun control legislation could be a stepping stone to gun confiscation in the U.S., saying “I am constrained by a system our founders put in place.”



A name for the Devil



Al Qaeda’s Nusra fights to seize Syrian Golan in time for Obama visit

Al Qaeda’s Syrian wing, Jabhat al-Nusra, led a Syrian rebel operation Wednesday, March 13, to occupy Golan and cleanse it of every last Syrian troop loyal to Bashar Assad. The Islamists had two more objectives:

1. To be in position for cross-border attacks on Israel and Jordan – possibly in the course of US President Barack Obama’s March 20-22 visits to those countries.
2.  To use the “liberated” Syrian Golan as launching pads for a war of attrition against Israel and Jordan – like Taliban’s campaign against NATO forces in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Their deadline for achieving this objective is March 15.
Jabhat al-Nusra kicked off its Golan operation Wednesday, DEBKAfile’s military sources report, by murdering Gen. Nour e-Din Habib, commander of the Syrian Army’s 90th Brigade, parts of which remain on the Golan. He was struck down from a well-planned ambush against his convoy. Also killed in the attack was Col. Radouan Rifai, the brigade’s senior liaison officer with the Syrian 3rd Extended Division.
The purpose of the attack was to disable the brigade by wiping out its top command.
Our military sources add that, in the course of the fighting Wednesday, the Nusra front uncovered a secret network of large tunnels running from different points on the Golan up to the Israeli border. They are big enough for the passage of entire Syrian units with their tanks and heavy trucks, allowing them to pop up without warning against Israeli border units and use their surprise to mow them down and advance into the Israeli sector.
DEBKAfile reported earlier Wednesday:

US President  Barack Obama’s first engagement upon landing in Israel on March 20 will be a quick tour of the Iron Dome missile interceptor stationed at Ben Gurion international airport. After a round of handshakes, the officers and men operating the system will explain how it works.

The innovative counter-missile weapon is to be deployed there, not just as a spectacle to honor the US president for his contribution to its development, but out of necessity for his safety. Air Force One might be seen as fair game for the ground-to-ground missiles wielded by Al Qaeda units fighting Assad in Syria and its affiliates in the Sinai Peninsula at the very moment that the US President steps down to the strains of the IDF welcoming band.
In normal circumstances, personal security arrangements for a US presidential foreign visit are kept under close wraps and rarely visible to the public.

full story-http://www.debka.com/article/22819/Al-Qaeda%E2%80%99s-Nusra-fights-to-seize-Syrian-Golan-in-time-for-Obama-visit