Tag Archives: ww3
Why is North Korea cooling it?
What’s behind the lessening of tensions on the Korean peninsula? Jill Dougherty reports
North Korea threatens to launch ICBM nuclear kamikaze-like attacks on USA
On an anniversary known for military showmanship, generals on Thursday declared that their forces were ready to launch intercontinental ballistic missiles and kamikazelike nuclear attacks at the if threatened.
“Stalwart pilots, once given a sortie order, will load nuclear bombs, instead of fuel for return, and storm enemy strongholds to blow them up,” the North’s official Korean Central News Agency quoted its Air and Anti-Air Force commander, Ri Pyong-chol, as saying during a ceremony in observance of the anniversary of the founding of the North Korean People’s Army.
Another general, Kim Rak-gyom, the Strategic Rocket Force commander, reiterated the claim that the North is “one click away from pushing the launch button.”
“If the U.S. imperialists and their followers dare make a pre-emptive attack, they will be made to keenly realize what a real nuclear war and real retaliatory blows are like,” he said.
Threats to launch nuclear strikes and warnings of “nuclear holocaust” have become common since the country’s latest nuclear test, its third, in February. Although North Korea is believed to have a small nuclear weapons arsenal, most analysts doubt it could follow through on threats to deliver them to the United States by missile.
One American intelligence agency recently said it had “moderate confidence” that the North had mastered the technology of building a weapon that could fit on a missile warhead, but the Obama administration said that was not the consensus among the United States’ 15 other intelligence agencies. Most analysts believe that Kim Jong-un, the North’s leader, is using the nuclear bluster to consolidate the support of his people and bolster his leverage in dealing with and its allies.
The threatening statements come after days of relative quiet that followed weeks of warnings of dire consequences if the United States and South Korea provoked the North. Mr. Kim’s government was already angered by United Nations sanctions punishing it for the nuclear test in February and by particularly robust joint exercises by the American and South Korea militaries.
The timing of the latest threats appeared to be tied to the military anniversary. North Korea’s military, the backbone of Mr. Kim’s dynastic rule, has traditionally used the date to swear its loyalty to the Kim family and vent its anti-American vitriol.
middle east US troops sent to Jordan to counter Syrian attack on kingdom Whole of Syria has become a battlefield, says church leader
US troops sent to Jordan to counter attack on kingdom
US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel announced Wednesday, April 17, that 200 troops of the US 1st Armored Division had been ordered to deploy in Jordan. DEBKAfile’s military sources report that they are being sent on arrival to the north and ranged on the Jordanian-Syrian border.
According to the Pentagon statement, the force will give the the ability to “potentially form a joint task force for military operations, if ordered.”
The new deployment will include communications and intelligence specialists, who will assist the Jordanians and “be ready for military action” if President Barack Obama orders it.
Small US units, mainly special forces and special groups trained for chemical warfare, have been have been quietly present in Jordan for the past year. The new deployment makes the US military presence official.
DEBKAfile’s Washington sources disclose that President Obama ordered the new deployment to the kingdom when he discovered that Syrian President Bashar Assad was about to publicly and sharply condemn Jordan’s King Abdullah in a special Syrian TV broadcast Wednesday night and accuse him of responsibility for sending hundreds of armed fighters into Syria to oppose the regime.
Whole of Syria has become a battlefield, says church leader

The head of an ancient Middle Eastern Church has described how “the whole of Syria has become a battlefield” and has appealed to world leaders to intervene in a bid to stop the fighting.
In a statement, Melkite Greek Catholic Patriarch Gregorios III Laham says that the country’s “suffering has gone beyond all bounds” and that the conflict “has mown down thousands and thousands” of people – both civilians and military.
The Damascus-based patriarch estimates that, since the conflict broke out two years ago, up to 400,000 Syrian Christians – possibly more than 25 per cent of the total – are either displaced within the country or have fled abroad.
In the statement, which was sent on Monday to Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need, Patriarch Gregorios reports that since early 2011 more than 1,000 Christians have been killed, that “entire villages have been cleared of their Christian inhabitants” and that more than 40 churches and other Christian centres (schools, orphanages and care homes) lie damaged or destroyed.
He states that key to the country’s problems are chaos and insecurity, as well as an influx of “fundamentalist Islamists”.
The patriarch declares that the threat to Christianity in Syria has wider implications for the religion’s future in the region because for decades the country has provided a refuge for faithful from Lebanon, Iraq and elsewhere.
He states that the conflict poses a severe threat to Muslims, pitting one Islamic tradition against another.
Patriarch Gregorios believes that, in spite of the worsening violence, peace remains possible and, in his statement, calls for action from leaders of Arab nations, Europe, the Americas, world organisations and Nobel Peace Prize winners.
He states: “We are sure that, despite our woes, all [of us] Syrians – government, political parties, Sunni and Shia Muslims, Alawites, Christians and Druze – are capable of engaging in dialogue.”
Saying that “there is no safe place left in Syria”, he adds: “The whole of Syria has become a battlefield… Every aspect of democracy, human rights, freedom, secularism and citizenship is lost from view and no-one cares.”
He states: “Suffering has gone beyond all bounds. The crisis has mown down thousands upon thousands of soldiers, opponents, civilians, men, women, children, Muslim sheikhs and Christian priests.”
Iran Warns Of World War III
ratcheted up its vitriol against Israel and the over the weekend, warning that an attack on the Islamic regime’s nuclear facilities could lead to global war.The rhetoric eerily matched that currently coming out of against its perceived enemies.“Iran will not stand by in the face of such aggression,” Ali Ahani, Iran’s ambassador to France, said Sunday,according to the Islamic regime’s PressTV. “This can entail a chain of violence that may lead to World war III. A potential Israeli attack against Iran with an objective of destroying its scientific and nuclear facilities is sheer madness. Its consequences are disastrous and uncontrollable.”The deputy chief of staff of Iran’s armed forces, Brig. Gen Masoud Jazayeri, warned the United States on Saturday that Iran would continue its nuclear program.“We would not trade off our rights,” he said, adding that Iran would stand with North Korea in its faceoff with America.According to Mehr News, Jazayeri blamed the tension on the Korean Peninsula on the U.S. presence in the region.“Whenever necessary, we would stop the U.S. excessive demands,” he said. “The Islamic Revolution will never leave its past and present friends. The U.S. and its allies will suffer great losses if a war breaks out in this region.”

By Paul McGuire
April 8, 2013
U.S. intelligence officials are concerned about movement of North Korea’s “space launch vehicles,” which are assessed to be able to reach the West Coast of the U.S. North Korea could explode a nuclear device over the , creating an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) that would destroy major portions of the U.S. electrical grid system and potentially paralyze large segments of our nation. This effort has been directed by King-jong Un, who replaced his father as the dictator in 2011.
Last December North Korea launched a test to orbit a nuclear weapon which could be deorbited in order to detonate an EMP weapon anywhere over the U.S. and exploded at a high altitude, creating an EMP effect.
The North Korean threats of unleashing “cutting-edge smaller, lighter and diversified nuclear weapons” appears to be a reaction to the very real threat of the U.S. waging a pre-emptive regional thermonuclear war against them. However, this pre-emptive war by the U.S. seems to be a response to the lunatic threats of Kim Jong Un, who became the world’s youngest national leader on the death of his father in December 2011. North Korea recently moved a mid-range missile to its east coast, and the U.S. moved anti-missile defense systems to the , which is a strategic base in the Pacific.
His father Kim Jong-il had 17 luxury palaces where devoted much of this time to indulging his sexual fantasies with countless young women, many in their young teens, flown in from around the world. Kim Jong Un, following his father’s example, is keeping a special harem of 2,000 young women known as the Pleasure Brigade. In contrast with its leader’s lavish lifestyle, North Korea is a totalitarian dictatorship of 23 million people who live nightmarish lives of oppression, starving to death while public loudspeakers blare out propaganda in this Big Brother-like world. Anyone who fits the category of an extremist, such as those who question the leader’s policies or simply listen to South Korean radio is thrown into special camps where torture and starvation are a way of life.
Kim Jong Un ordered the North Korean General Staff to issue a threat of nuclear war against the U.S. after recent flights by nuclear-capable B-52s and B-2 bombers from the United States mainland and Guam. However, the U.S., Russia, Japan and even China are concerned that Kim Jong Un could push the world into an Armageddon-like scenario. The question is, how do nations like the U.S. and others protect themselves without pushing the world into World War III?
N. Korean Satellite Flies Over America Over And Over And Over Again In The Next 5 Days…
The North Korean satellite launched into space back in December of 2012 that is said to be for weather forecast purposes but is being widely portrayed in the West as a veiled ballistic missile test passes over the East Coast of America and as far west as just west of the line over and over and over again in the next several days. You can check out the flight path of KMS 3-2 yourself right here. Be sure to click the ‘show all passes’ button. You can also see an absolutely bizarro North Korean video report showing America being nuked from space to the sound of ‘We Are The World’ below while the video at the very bottom of the story shows KMS 3-2 filmed over Africa. You may be able to see it yourself if you’re in its flight path with a telescope; where the green lines are below, the satellite is illuminated by the sun and may be visible if the sky is dark enough. Why so many times over the population hubs of America? Why are they leaving the Western half of America alone? Why ‘We Are The World”?