Marking your cards: The DNA gun that can tag criminals for weeks after a riot

  • The unique DNA tagging gun has been unveiled by UK firm Selectamark
  • It will mean that police can tag troublemakers during riots
  • Officers can then use the trace to place suspects at the scene of a crime
  • The trace can stay on criminals for weeks, say developers


25 January 2013 | UPDATED: 09:11, 25 January 2013

It may look more like a high tech water pistol or something out of a sci-fi film than the latest weapon in the fight against crime.

But an innovative new tagging system using a gun and DNA pellets could make it easier for police to mark the cards of even the most volatile criminal.

Unlike a taser or gun that fires real bullets, the weapon won’t hurt a suspect or render them incapacitated so that officers can pounce.

Instead, it will enable police to stay at a safe distance during trouble and identify criminals and arrest criminals days after an incident.

The High Velocity DNA Tagging System, designed for use by police forces and the military by Kent-based firm Selectamark, fires small soft green pellets at a target from as far away as 40 metres.

Each pellet, which weighs less than a gram and is effectively like a paintball, contains a unique DNA code which could remain on the target for weeks.

Andrew Knights from Selectamark said: ‘On contact with the target the uniquely-coded SelectaDNA solution leaves a synthetic DNA trace mark that will enable the relevant authorities to confirm or eliminate that person from their involvement in a particular situation and could ultimately lead to arrest and prosecution.’

The gun comes in both pistol and shotgun form, with the power to fire 20 shots in one session.

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