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Most of the folks who have been through some serious and life threatening situations and survive gonna tell you one thing: they survive it with mental strength.
Also all survival instructors gonna say that first thing in any survival situation to have is will to survive.
It is easy to say today “I will survive!” but great majority of people do not know what will to survive actually means.
In my time I did see some folks who just lay down and had lost will for life. They just gave up.
When it comes to survival you have to focus on what you are good at, and some people are just good at working with other people or maybe dealing or playing with other people.
The mainstream media gives everyone some picture how real survivalist need to look and act. That’s wrong. Today I talk about a smart type of real survivalist.
The Chameleon
When SHTF, the word deception has whole other meaning, and becomes powerful. It is used in many different situations and for many different reasons. It helps to survive but also helps to take lives.
Never form your opinion about what kind of man is dangerous on “popular” images. When SHTF you can end up dead because some 70 years old lady blows your head off with shotgun.
This is how you should think, but average man, sheeple don’t.
So you can be sure that when times come you’ll need to look stronger than you are, but also sometimes you gonna need to look much weaker than you are. More options are always better.
And for all who are preparing with the attitude “let them come” you need to change it to “let them not come”.
There was a guy in town in that time who was very good to know if you need to find out where you can find something useful, or to find out what is going on.
For example if I needed to find something particular, for example I needed 10 liters of diesel fuel for something I would first check people in my vicinity, check few guys out, do they have that, or do they know someone who has that. In short I would go out and try my luck.
But there was also that guy who always has good information about sources for trade, or any other information.
Guy was shrouded in some kind of rumors, or it was more like myth. So you could hear all kind of stories like “he has important friends” or “he has some sources from outside” or “somebody powerful is protecting him”… After all of that stories you could easily conclude that guy was powerful, even before you see him.
He alone did not look mean or powerful or anything similar, but he carried this mean looking old style heavy machine gun all the time, with bullet stripes over shoulders and chest.
Anytime when I go and visit him I get something useful for trade or some useful information where I can go and find something.
for the rest of this very interesting article: http://shtfschool.com/survival-psychology/types-of-real-survivalists-2-the-chameleon/