Signs Of Change The Past Week Or So June 2013 saga continues

Signs Of Change The Past Week Or So June 2013

Signs Of Change The Past Week Or So May 2013 Part 3

Signs Of Change The Past Week Or So May 2013 Part 2

Signs Of Change The Past Week Or So May 2013 Part 1

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Signs Of Change The Past Week Or So April 2013 Part 3

Signs Of Change The Past Week Or So April 2013 Part 2

Signs Of Change The Past Week Or So April 2013 Part 1

Signs Of Change The Past Week Or So End Of March 2013

suspicious observer Apr.1.2013 Evening Update

Signs Of Change The Past Week Or So March 2013 Part 4

Signs Of Change The Past Week Or So March 2013 Part 3

Signs Of Change The Past Week Or So March 2013 Part 2

Signs Of Change The Past Week Or So March. 2013 Part 1

signs of change 2012 the new normal

Signs Of Change The Past Week Or So Feb. 2013 Part 1

Signs Of Change The Past Week Or So Feb. 2013 Part 2

Signs Of Change The Past Week Or So Feb. 2013 Part 3

Signs Of Change The Past Week Or So Feb. 2013 Part 4


By Chuck Baldwin
February 28, 2013

Most of us are taught from childhood to respect and obey the law. On the whole, Americans are law-abiding people. This is only fitting for a nation that was built on the principles of law. Remember, at our core, this is supposed to be a “nation of laws, not men.” This is one reason that our Founding Fathers bequeathed us a republic and not a democracy.

Unfortunately, it has been over one hundred years since America’s teachers (both secular and sacred) have taught the principles of Natural Law. This has created a vast ignorance that has blinded people (especially Christian people it seems) from being able to properly understand, evaluate, and judge the law.

Our Lord plainly said, “The Sabbath (law) was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath (law).” (Mark 2:27 KJV) This was stated in response to the criticism and judgmentalism of the Pharisees against Jesus and His disciples, who had picked and eaten corn on the Sabbath Day.

During that same discussion, Jesus reminded the Pharisees that David and his men ate bread from the Table of Shewbread in the Temple, which was a violation of the Mosaic Law. (Others had been slain by Jehovah for a careless, cavalier attitude toward the Sabbath and the Temple.) He reminded them of the priests who sacrificed animals on the Sabbath Day, which was considered by many to be a violation of Sabbath law. Jesus healed on the Sabbath Day, which the Pharisees and legalists of the time judged to be unlawful.

After a blistering condemnation of the Pharisees, Jesus asked them, “Is it lawful on the sabbath days to do good, or to do evil? to save life or destroy it?” (Luke 6:9 KJV) In other words, which was more important: doing good and saving life on the Sabbath, or strictly obeying the Law of the Sabbath and letting a man be harmed or even die?

Jesus made it clear that there are greater laws and lesser laws, that the Natural Law of saving life was a superior law to even the Law of the Sabbath. This law of nature can be called “The Law of Necessity.”

In the pursuit of liberty, and in the defense of life, David and his men sustained themselves with the bread from the Table of Shewbread. And not only did Jehovah not slay David and his men for doing this, the Lord Jesus praised them as an example of the greater law principle.

Here’s a question for you: as you walk along a lake, you notice a sign announcing a public statute that says, “No Swimming.” About that same time, you hear the screams of a little boy who had wandered in the lake and is now drowning. Do you obey the State statute that said, “No Swimming,” or do you violate the public law and swim out into the lake to save the little boy?

The Pharisees would say that you must obey the public law even if it means the little boy will drown. Jesus said the natural greater law principle prevails and you ignore the lesser law and go save the drowning lad. The greater law always defers to the provision and protection of human life. The lesser law ignores the divine principle of protecting life and demands unconditional compliance to human law–even if that law results in the death of innocent life.

Now, here is another question: would any of us condemn a man who ignored the law that said “No Swimming,” and swam into the lake to save the little boy? Think very carefully before you answer, because all over America, many people (including pastors and Christians) have developed a legalistic, Pharisaical philosophy regarding law that would indeed condemn the man who ignored the law that said “No Swimming,” and swam into the lake to save the little boy.

– See more at:

video update demonic possession of beyonce

Beyonce shape shifting demonic possession





people all over the internet are posting ugly posters of beyonce but does this picture above actually look like Beyonce or does it look like something else is happening.

Unless someone has been playing with photoshop and they havent Beyonce has morphed into a monster ? ,her skin changes like an old womans or a witch, her nose got longer(like a witch), her kneck bulges with muscles and her body pumps up as if she has a thousand demons wiggling inside her, when the lame stream media even see it something supernatural is happening.


the girl to the left of Beyonce and right of her for us has a pentagram on her laced front this is really blatant

Beyonce looks like a transvestite here is that an adams apple sort of sticking out.

Beyonce without the spirit of Sasha her demon

Beyoncé’s publicist asks for ‘unflattering’ Superbowl photos to be pulled

World War C’ Warned To Crash US Economy By April year of the snake.

A grim Ministry of Finance (MOF) report circulating in the Kremlin today warns that Venezuela’s “nuclear option” crashing of its currency yesterday is a “clear signal”that the Western banking systems “house of cards”, erected in the aftermath of the 2007-2008 Global Economic Crisis, is in “total collapse” with the expected final outcome to be an “apocalyptic” crash of the US economy no later than April.

According to this MOF report, and what US financial experts described as “what lobbing a nuclear bomb into a currency war knife fight looks like”, Venezueladevalued its currency by an astounding 46% in the latest round of what is being described as the worst currency war our world has seen since the 1930’s, and which plunged the globe into total warfare.

Currency war, (World War C) also known as competitive devaluation, is a condition in international affairs where countries compete against each other to achieve a relatively low exchange rate for their own currency. As the price to buy a particular currency falls so too does the real price of exports from the country.

Imports become more expensive. So domestic industry, and thus employment, receives a boost in demand from both domestic and foreign markets.

However, the price increase for imports can harm citizens’ purchasing power. The policy can also trigger retaliatory action by other countries which in turn can lead to a general decline in international trade, harming all countries.

Brazilian Finance Minister Guido Mantega, widely credited with coining the term “currency war”, further warned yesterday that the global situation could get even worse if Europe joins the fray, and which this MOF report warns the will have to do in the “very near future.”

Chris Richey, a top American financial analyst, further stated that as we have yet to enter a full-fledged war because the European Central Bank (ECB) and Bank of England (BOE) are not (yet) engaged in purposeful currency devaluation. Rather, since 2009, each has been pre-occupied with either saving their currency (the ECB) or saving their banking system (the BoE). The relative value of their respective currencies has not featured high on their list of priorities over the past four years.

Not so, however, Richey says, for the US Federal Reserve, the Swiss National Bank, the Bank of Japan, the Central Bank of Brazil, and the People’s Bank of China, all of whom have been very interested in the relative valuation of their currencies. And this is a list that matters because three of the top five global currencies are represented on that list and all of them have been engaged in competitive devaluations of their currency in order to promote their own exports.

This form of international contest, he continues, should strike those with a sense of history as similar to the trade and tariff wars of the Depression Era 1930’s: “beggaring thy neighbor” in order to extract one’s own country from economic straits. In the 1930’s, the “beggaring” took the form of either abandoning the gold standard, literally blocking the importation of foreign goods, or imposing tariffs so high that imports were effectively blocked.

This time around, he warns, there are no gold standards to abandon and international trade rules have become too ingrained, both economically and legally, for onerous tariffs or outright bans to be practical or legal. Thus, the only economic weapon left is that of currency devaluation.

Tensions were ratcheted up a couple notches with the recent election of Shinzo Abe as Japan’s Prime Minister this past December. As a candidate, Abe explicitly and repeatedly promised to double Japan’s inflation rate target from 1% to 2% via increased central government money printing, borrowing, and spending.

And while the Bank of Japan has pushed back against Mr. Abe’s proposals, we have still seen the Yen depreciate 25% against the Euro and 10% against the US Dollar since last July. In short, Japan is “all in” on making the Yen weaker and, thus, boosting Japan’s exporting companies.

Even worse, this MOF report says, with the US Federal Reserve admitting this past week that it has bought up more government debt than the US Treasury has issued (because no one else is buying it), and with China now accounting for nearly half of the world’s new money supply, the Baltic Dry Index (BDI) of international trade has totally collapsed to levels not seen since the start of the 2008 Economic Crisis.

Though the US propaganda media is failing to alert the American people to the shattering of their economy (exactly like they did prior to the 2008 collapse which cost these people trillions) the same cannot be said for the elite classes who continue to move billions out of their banks (the most since 11 September 2001) and whose corporate insiders are dumping huge numbers of shares in their own companies right now.

To the exact timeline of this coming collapse of the US economy, this report says, was “clearly shown” last week when the Swiss global banking giant UBS reported that an anonymous options trader had made an enormous $11.25 million bet that the VIX will explode between 20-25 April.

While the volatility index (aka the VIX, aka the “fear index”) is near historic lows, the Business Insider news service states about this trade that someone would have to be“VERY confident” in their outlook to risk $11 million on a directional position with the VIX at five year lows and the markets trying to break out to new highs.

To how the West is preparing for this coming economic collapse can be seen in France, where its President ordered the mobilisation of the secret services and police to carry out surveillance of workers fighting mass unemployment and factory closures, and in the United States (recently named by Human Rights Watch as the “ prison capital of the world”) whose Department of Homeland Security (DHS) this past week added tens-of-millions of more rounds to an arsenal said to equip it to wage a “30-year war” against the American people.

Obama Death Fears Grow As US Military Takeover Nears Reports Russian Federal Security Services (FSB)

President Obama to visit to Israel March 20-22. the film Olympus falling is out on March 22, coincidence? thats 3/22 


By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A bizarre, but truly interesting, report prepared by the Federal Security Services (FSB) circulating in the Kremlin today suggests that American President Barack Obama may be about to be assassinated by factions within the US Military, and base this shocking conclusion on two major Hollywood movies due to be released this Spring and Summer.

Important to note about this report is its having been complied by FSB analysts who are devoted followers of the early 20th Century Austrian biologist Paul Kammerer(1880-1926), who in his 1919 book Das Gesetz der Serie Seriality postulated that all events are connected by waves of seriality (coincidence). Albert Einstein called Kammerer’s idea of seriality “interesting, and by no means absurd”, while Carl Jung drew upon Kammerer’s work in his essay Synchronicity.

Even though FSB research into seriality events are frequently held in disdain by Western intelligence agencies, one such report, in August, 2001, caused President Putin to issue a “grave warning” to the United States that they were about to be attacked by suicide bombers, and which did, indeed, occur on 11 September 2001.

The FSB report Putin based his warning to the US upon was a seriality research paper based upon an American television programme named The Lone Gunman which aired on 4 March 2001 which featured a terrorist plot to fly a commercial airliner into the World Trade Center. The climactic sequence actually shows the plane heading into one of the Twin Towers, but at the last minute, it’s pulled upward and just misses the building.

In this current report, FSB analysts are showing “increasing seriality concerns” over two major upcoming Hollywood movies depicting attacks upon the American White House, Olympus Has Fallen and White House Down.

Olympus Has Fallen depicts a scenario where the White House (Secret Service Code: “Olympus”) is captured by a terrorist mastermind and the President is kidnapped, whereas White House Down is about an American domestic terrorist group that takes over the White House and the President must be rescued.

Where White House Down is due to be released on 28 June 2013, this report says, the release date of 22 March 2013 for Olympus Has Fallen is of much greater concern.

FSB analysts in this report note that the date of 3/22 is of “prime importance” to “various” secret societies operating at the highest echelons of US-British political, banking and military power structures who frequently stage their most shocking events to occur on dates having to do with the numbers 7, 11 and 22; such as 7 December 1941 (bombing of Pearl Harbor), 22 November 1963 (assassination of President John Kennedy), 7 July 2005 (London Bombings) and 11 September 2001 (attack on US soil), to just name a few.

Equally important to note about 3/22, this report continues, is its association with the infamous Skull & Bones secret society whose  depicts this number, and the enigmatic Georgia Guidestones whose explanatory tablet states “Center cluster erected March 22, 1980” and states its purpose as being to educate humanity of the need to depopulate our world of billions of human beings so as to reach a balance of 500 million.

This FSB report further notes that a “concerning seriality” regarding these two Hollywood movies are their coinciding with two other major movie productions, Seven Days In May and Dr. Strangelove, that preceded the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963.

Seven Days In May is said to have been influenced by the right-wing anti-Communist political activities of General Edwin A. Walker after he resigned from the USmilitary. An additional inspiration was provided by the 1961 interview by Fletcher Knebel, who was also a political journalist and columnist, conducted with the newly-appointed Air Force Chief of Staff, Curtis LeMay an advocate of the preventive first-strike nuclear option against the Soviet Union.

Dr. Strangelove concerns an unhinged United States Air Force general who orders a first strike nuclear attack on the Soviet Union. It follows the President of the United States, his advisors, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and a Royal Air Force (RAF) officer as they try to recall the bombers to prevent a nuclear apocalypse. A first test screening of the film was scheduled for 22November 1963, the day of the John F. Kennedy assassination. The film was just weeks from its scheduled premiere, but because of the assassination the release was delayed until late January 1964, as it was felt that the public was in no mood for such a film any sooner.

The “coincidental commonality” of all of these movies, FSB analysts in this report say, are them all being supported by the Pentagon against American Presidents who were anti-military and sought broad powers to curb in the amount of US war spending.

In the case of Obama, this report continues, the US Military is particularly incensed after the Obama regime (and as we had previously reported on in our 1 February reportMilitary Terror Hits US Cities As Veterans Banned From Owning Guns) this past week started sending out notices to American veterans telling them they were no longer allowed to own guns.

Equally concerning to the US Military, this report says, is Obama regimes CSCOPE educational programme now being employed in Texas forcing high school girls to dress up in full-length Islamic burqas and then being instructed that .

As fears grow that Italy may be the spark that sets off a financial Armageddon in Europe, this report concludes, and as International Monetary Fund (IMF) Chief Christine Lagarde has just issued a warning that “the world economy could end as we know it”, FSB analysts note that the insane levels of inequality in the US have grown worse under Obama than under Bush and note that the Obama regime is prosecuting fewer financial crimes than Bush, or his father, or Ronald Reagan, and that the richest Americans have captured more than 100% of all recent income gains.

Moody’s chief economist, and many others, have all said that the United States is controlled by an “oligarchy” or “oligopoly”, and the big banks and giant financial institutions are key players in that oligarchy which the Obama regime is determined to protect, but the US military is prepared to destroy.

To whom will win this epic battle it is not in our knowing, nor does this report say…but what can be said is that except for the elite few, everyone else will be the ultimate losers.


By Jim

The typical articles over the last many years have featured a particular theme. In the last few months, the central theme in Jackass articles has been the isolation and demise of the USDollar, how it is happening, why it must happen, and its importance in the restoration of the global financial structure. But this week, a sudden urge has come to address an overwhelming list of critical gritty questions. They crop up with clients, colleagues, and friends.

More than a crisis, it is more accurately described as a collapse of a corrupt inequitable monetary system, and a desperate defense by the major Western bankers to preserve their power over nations and their governments, alongside a vile vicious violent attempt by the United States to maintain its privilege as owner of the vast USDollar counterfeit machinery, as controller of vast banking pillars of paper columns, and as commander of a vast military.



“Gritty Questions on Unstoppable Collapse” — to provide answers to numerous difficult questions… the collapse is certain, likely

from a midsized bank failing with a big bank tied around its neck, as too many fuses lie waiting to be lit… the Italian election has put

the system to the limit, with France and Spain vying for the distinction of first collapse trigger… the USDollar is the clearly defined

victim in the ongoing gold trade and other non-USD trade settlement movement, as nations struggle to find a viable solution to the

ongoing collapse that can no longer be labeled a basic crisis… the Iranian sanctions led by the USGovt have galvanized the progress

to adopt a USDollar alternative in a grand example of US leaders shooting themselves in the face and chest, as Turkey and India work

toward a gold trade intermediary role, which further the pioneer direction of the Chinese Yuan swap facilities (England a recent nation

to sign on)… the Gold supply exhibits strong inelastic traits, as lower mining output accompanies higher price… the aggravated global

competing currency war will motivate nations to abandon the USDollar as they seek a stable viable solution, since the US leaders have

failed to reform the global currency, partly out of profound corruption and desired fraud privileges, partly out of lack of global

jurisdiction in dictating contract alteration… expect the USGovt deficits to be covered by forced confiscation of private pension funds…

the Pope’s resignation is a major important seminal signal of stormy winds and bright lights to shine on scummy bank activities

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