CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE GOING MAINSTREAM The People are getting angry at every level. VIDEO: Entire Audience at NJ Gun Hearing Disobeys Senators Orders, Recites Pledge

After a late start, and a “ten minute break” that lasted more than a half hour, the NJ Senate committee on gun control decides to cut off public comment on the proposed gun control bills at 4 o’clock. The chairman and most of the committee then refuse to honor the pledge of allegiance. This took place at the NJ Senate gun control hearings in Trenton on April 30, 2013. People in the audience were wearing NRA caps which I am sure was not lost on the Senate committee members. The officers from the court who were harassing the people who attended at  the end of the clip looked from behind like jack booted Nazi enforcers.

NJ Citizen testimony cut off; Chairman sits during Pledge of Allegiance

41 thoughts on “CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE GOING MAINSTREAM The People are getting angry at every level. VIDEO: Entire Audience at NJ Gun Hearing Disobeys Senators Orders, Recites Pledge

  1. Pingback: Parser Jets

  2. They have made it clear to the citizenry that there is only one action left for them to take.
    “Those who make peaceful protest impossible, make violent revolution inevitable”
    These Senators need to be removed, by force if necessary!
    Time to Get Up, Wake Up, and Rise Up, before it’s too late!

      • GO you American freedom fighters, i hope all goes well.The more we can make aware the better world we can create with suppressed technologies which would wipe poverty,starvation of the face of the earth giving all free sovereign entity’s a right to live life without slavery. This human form is not to be wasted….

    • IF YOUR AN ARMY RANGER,I can’t tell you anything you don’t already know,except WATCH YOUR BACK,the NAVY SEALS have been DISARMING NUCLEAR WEAPONS,up and down the east coast,that the private army of OBAMA THE ANTI-CHRIST has had placed everywhere in america,IF you people are on the coast,LEAVE NOW you are in grave danger,the anti-christ wants to start a WAR IN AMERICA,AND EVERYONE is the target…get off the coast,and if you are captured,DO NOT TAKE THE “MARK OF THE BEAST”……RED DAWN IS ABOUT TO GET STARTED………..and OBAMA plans to use every weapon he has,ON YOU………………..

      • I was raised by a Special Forces instructor who taught me more than most “civilians” would know. My Mother worked at a plant manufacturing “nukes”. The “Men in Black” monitored me as a young man. Even though, I always remained a civilian in my adult life and am very proud of my folks who are buried at Arlington I am very concerned for my own well being when TSHTF

      • I know that sounds bad but I am ready for Jesus to come and get us , This country is not at all what it use to be and we have let the Evil into our own Government and no one is willing to take the stand to remove the corrupt , I mean we did impeach Clinton but we did not remove him and look at what Bush jr and Sr. did they paved the way for the new world order and with all the scandals in the news and Obama using the executive power on anything that he can not get passed legally … he should have been impeached a long while back so bring it on and lets get this party started because we will not lay down with out a fight and we will not disappear into the night this is our country and only one god rules man and that is our Lord and Savior so let them try to take our land and our liberties but they will have a fight and end the end Jesus will prevail against the wicked and evil and to die a martyr for my lord and savior is fine with me but I will not take the mark of the beast..

    • RANGER,.you know as well as I do the only thing a group of NAZI’s understand is A BASE BALL BAT IN THE SUPERMARKET PARKING LOT,when they become afraid for their life is when their hearing will improve,UNTIL THEN their just bough and paid for whores of OBAMA THE ANTI-CHRIST DICTATOR AND CHIEF,and his bootstomping nazi minions,AND I HIGHLY RECOMMEND,the citizens of the city find out where all these nazi’s live,and then add them to the list of traitors to be charged with TREASON at a later date…………………………

  3. I would bet you these Pigs will be out shooting there own families when the Shit hits the Fan Brainwashed SCUMBAGS!!!!

    • FIRST CLUE,police gangs DON’T give a dam about their family,and their women aren’t much smarter OR THEY WOULD HAVE ALREADY LEFT THEM,take a close look at a police gang member VIOLATING his OATH to protect the people,they use your family for target practice,and they don’t care if their own family is in the crossfire,THIS ain’t STUPID,its DEMON POSESSED,no one on planet earth would knowingly put their family in danger,WATCH THESE GUYS,THEY DON’T CARE IF EVERY member of their family is killed,you have to know they have been warned,DID IT MATTER TO THEM,…”NO”,..and it ain’t going to matter to them,they want you DEAD,its all they think about,killing their friends and neighbors will mean nothing to them,REMEMBER YOU WERE WARNED,and don’t take the MARK OF THE BEAST,the police gangs will be helping to force everyone to take it…………………………

  4. Pingback: CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE GOING MAINSTREAM The People are getting angry at every level. VIDEO: Entire Audience at NJ Gun Hearing Disobeys Senators Orders, Recites Pledge |

  5. Man what a DISGRACE! These so-called leaders didn’t even stand for the “Pledge of Allegiance!” I can see Jefferson and Washington “ROLLING OVER IN THEIR GRAVES!”

  6. We have a right to be angry. Next thing you know we’ll all get together and discover that no one in the US even voted for obama in the first place, the whole thing is a sham.

    • Neil,wait till your children come home and annouce,they were castrated,or sterilized at school by the orders of the government,IT WAS PASSES INTO LAW,and you better not get MAD about it or the POLICE GANGS will be coming to your house,and then you will see who they really work for…………………………….

  7. Our leaders are nothing but traitors and should be voluntarily removed or involuntarily hanged.

    It is the equivalent of that recent story in which an elderly man gives his daughter power of attorney and she promptly evicts him from his house! A betrayal of honor and trust.

    • Bimbam,hahaha,thats a good one,at least she kicked him out,MY uncle gave power of attorney to his daughter and SHE SOLD THE PLACE and never told him anything till the new owners showedup and wanted to know who he was,ON THEIR LAND,hahaha,boy was he surprised…….

  8. How much more are we willing to take? Are you willing to stand up and be counted? We must stand now. Please join in the civil disobedience march July 4, 2013. If you are afraid to come armed, then arm yourself with a camera and film this! By a bus ticket for someone that can not! Protect our constitution now, before there is no more constitution.

  9. Look folks,,,we have accepted them poisoning our air water and food…More and more know it…This will not end well..Yes,our leaders have all sold us out!! At all levels..and respect for authority is falling quickly…THATS WHY THEY WANT THE GUNS!!!

  10. I happen to notice that the policeman eerily resembles a Nazi thug.
    And the actions of the officials do not differ much either. We’re reaping what we sowed.
    It won’t be long when ‘talking’ will become useless. It has been falling on deaf ears for a very long time.

    • NPC,they look like NAZI thugs because thats exactly what they are ,they just aren’t speaking german,other wise there ain’t no difference,AND THAT MEANS ,YOU BETTER GET READY ,cause its only a matter of time when they try to take over,JUST LIKE THEY DID IN NAZI GREMANY,it all had a start date,and ours is coming up soon………………………………

  11. Pingback: 51913 Fire From Heaven | The Truth is Not a Choice

  12. These asses who pass themselves off as reps of the people should have been bodily removed by the citizens that were in the audience.the police in charge should have been rushed by the crowd. We either fight now, or we surrender later.

  13. This is NOT the America I was born in !!!!!! This IS AmeriKA. These F’ing COMMUNISTS that now run things need to be charged with TREASON !!!! They simply IGNORE the Constitution. The STENCH of these LEFTIST politicians ARROGANCE, that stench can probably be smelled on PLUTO. And those GESTAPO THUGS that were making people leave the room, those A-HOLES need to be FIRED. They are 100% UNFIT to be peace officers !!!!!!

  14. these aren’t police, their scumbag pond scum maggots deserving of being incarcerated with the Mexican drug cartels, these are the worse of police officers and they should be taken down along with the anti american leaders.

  15. Pingback: End Times Prophecy Headlines: May 20, 2013 | End Times Prophecy Report

  16. Pingback: Civil Disobedience Rising Across America as Citizens Fed Up With Criminal Government | Sheeple: People unable to think for themselves

  17. Pingback: Civil disobedience rising across America as citizens fed up with criminal government « Attack the System

  18. Pingback: Civil disobedience rising across America as citizens fed up with criminal government - ALIPAC

  19. Pingback: CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE GOING MAINSTREAM The People are getting angry at every level. VIDEO: Entire Audience at NJ Gun Hearing Disobeys Senators Orders, Recites Pledge | press-inside

  20. Pingback: Civil disobedience rising across America as citizens fed up with criminal government | thesurvivalplaceblog

  21. Pingback: Civil Disobedience Rising Across America As Citizens Fed Up With Criminal Government

  22. Pingback: Civil disobedience rising across America as citizens fed up with criminal government | General Strike USA

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