Zombie attack Japanese man ‘bit snake-possessed son to death’, say media reports

TOKYO – A 53-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of biting his adult son to death to get rid of a “snake haunting him”, Japanese media have reported.

TV Asahi said Katsumi Nagaya seriously injured his son, Takuya, on Friday at the younger man’s apartment in Anjo, central Japan, by head-butting and biting him after the 23-year-old began writhing around and claiming to be a serpent. This is another bizarre zombie type case which seems to be a growing trend in countries around the world 

Takuya was taken to hospital but declared dead a short time later, the broadcaster said.

The suspect reportedly told police he had attacked his son in order to remove the snake from his mind.

This year 2013 is the chinese year of the snake. Chinese New Year Day is on February 10, 2013

3 thoughts on “Zombie attack Japanese man ‘bit snake-possessed son to death’, say media reports

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