Banksters show who is in charge £600m bonus pot despite RBS losses

Scandal-hit Royal Bank of Scotland has revealed bonuses of £607 million for staff in 2012 despite plunging deeper into the red with losses of £5.2 billion after a “chastening” year

RBS saw losses of more than five billion pounds

The losses widened from £1.2 billion in 2011 after its £390 million settlement for Libor rate fixing, while the bank revealed another £1.1 billion in provisions to cover mis-selling claims.

RBS set aside a multi-million pound bonus pool – including £215 million for investment bankers – but said it was recouping £302 million for its Libor settlement by cutting the 2012 bonus pot, clawing back from previous years and reducing current year awards.

Sir Philip Hampton, chairman of the part public-owned bank, told ITV’s Daybreak he did not know if taxpayers would ever get back the money used to rescue RBS. “We will do our best to see if the taxpayers’ money can be returned. but the bank was in a terrible mess, if you go back four or five years, it needed substantial re-capitalisation.

“Although we’ve had a difficult year I think we’re on track for recovery. It will be for the Government to decide when it sells its shares and how much they can get for them. Our job is to put the bank fully back on its feet.”

Asked why RBS can afford to pay bonuses to its staff but not what the public spent in bailing it out, Sir Philip described the bonus situation as “toxic for everybody”. He said: “The bonus rates have been falling very substantially. Our bonuses now in our markets business, where all the big bonuses are, are 25%, a quarter of what they were four or five years ago.”

He conceded bonuses were “still huge”, but said “it is a very difficult, competitive marketplace, and if you don’t pay what you need to pay you don’t get the best people”. Sir Philip said bonus levels were “tough to swallow” for the pubic, but that levels are falling “slowly but surely”. He said RBS was trying to rebuild customer service and confidence,but that it couldn’t be done over night.

RBS said it will look to increase its focus on the UK by floating part of its American bank Citizens in around two years. It was a move welcomed by Chancellor George Osborne.

He said: “The Government’s strategy is for RBS to be a stronger and safer bank, which in time can be returned to full private ownership. I have been very clear that I want to see RBS as a British-based bank, focused on serving British businesses and consumers, with a smaller international investment bank to support that activity rather than to rival it. I welcome RBS’s announcement today to accelerate that strategy.”

Chief executive Stephen Hester insisted this would be the last year under a “wrenching” restructuring and hopes the bank will be “clean” and ready next year for the Government to begin its return to the private sector. On an underlying basis, underlying group operating profits rose from £1.8 billion in 2011 to £3.5 billion in 2012, showing the core business is closer to returning to financial strength.

Analysis: Emerging deadly virus demands swift sleuth work : US Bio Attack Fears Grow Sorcha Faal,

(Reuters) – The emergence of a deadly virus previously unseen in humans that has already killed half those known to be infected requires speedy scientific detective work to figure out its potential.A electron microscope image of a coronavirus is seen in this undated picture provided by the Health Protection Agency in London February 19, 2013. REUTERS-Health Protection Agency-Handout

Experts in virology and infectious diseases say that while they already have unprecedented detail about the genetics and capabilities of the novel coronavirus, or NCoV, what worries them more is what they don’t know.

The virus, which belongs to the same family as viruses that cause the common cold and the one that caused Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), emerged in the Middle East last year and has so far killed seven of the 13 people it is known to have infected worldwide.

Of those, six have been in Saudi Arabia, two in Jordan, and others in Britain and Germany linked to travel in the Middle East or to family clusters.

“What we know really concerns me, but what we don’t know really scares me,” said Michael Osterholm, director of the U.S.-based Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy and a professor at the University of Minnesota.

Less than a week after identifying NCoV in September last year in a Qatari patient at a London hospital, scientists at Britain’s Health Protection Agency had sequenced part of its genome and mapped out a so-called “phylogenetic tree” – a kind of family tree – of its links.

Swiftly conducted scientific studies by teams in Switzerland, Germany and elsewhere have found that NCoV is well adapted to infecting humans and may be treatable medicines similar to the ones used for SARS, which emerged in China in 2002 and killed a tenth of the 8,000 people it infected.

“Partly because of the way the field has developed post-SARS, we’ve been able to get onto this virus very early,” said Mike Skinner, an expert on coronaviruses from Imperial College London. “We know what it looks like, we know what family it’s from and we have its complete gene sequence.”

Yet there are many unanswered questions.


“At the moment we just don’t know whether the virus might actually be quite widespread and it’s just a tiny proportion of people who get really sick, or whether it’s a brand new virus carrying a much greater virulence potential,” said Wendy Barclay, a flu virologist, also at Imperial College London.

To have any success in answering those questions, scientists and health officials in affected countries such as Saudi Arabia and Jordan need to conduct swift and robust epidemiological studies to find out whether the virus is circulating more widely in people but causing milder symptoms.

This would help establish whether the 13 cases seen so far are the most severe and represent “the tip the iceberg”, said Volker Thiel of the Institute of Immunobiology at Kantonal Hospital in Switzerland, who published research this month showing NCoV grows efficiently in human cells.

Scientists and health officials in the Middle East and Arab Peninsular also need to collaborate with colleagues in Europe, where some NCoV cases have been treated and where samples have gone to specialist labs, to try to pin down the virus’ source.


Initial scientific analysis by laboratory scientists at Britain’s Health Protection Agency (HPA) – which helped identify the virus in a Qatari patient in September last year – found that NCoV’s closest relatives are most probably bat viruses.

It is not unusual for viruses to jump from animals to humans and mutate in the process – high profile examples include the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) that causes AIDS and the H1N1 swine flu which caused a pandemic in 2009 and 2010.

Yet further work by a research team at the Robert Koch Institute at Germany’s University of Bonn now suggests it may have come through an intermediary – possibly goats.

In a detailed case study of a patient from Qatar who was infected with NCoV and treated in Germany, researchers said the man reported owning a camel and a goat farm on which several goats had been ill with fevers before he himself got sick.

Osterholm noted this, saying he would “feel more comfortable if we could trace back all the cases to an animal source”.

If so, it would mean the infections are just occasional cross-overs from animals, he said – a little like the sporadic cases of bird flu that continue to pop up – and would suggest the virus has not yet established a reservoir in humans.

Yet recent evidence from a cluster of cases in a family in Britain strongly suggests NCoV can be passed from one person to another and may not always come from an animal source.

US Bio Attack Fears Grow After Colorado Child Death

A highly disturbing Ministry of Healthcare (MoH) report circulating in the Kremlin today is warning Russian diplomatic personal to avoid traveling to or through the Denver International Airport (DEN) in the US State of Colorado over fears this region may be under a biowarfare attack or test.

According to this report, the Foreign Military Intelligence Main Directorate (GRU) became “highly concerned” about this area after reports surfaced that thousands of rabbits had descended upon the Denver International Airport where these small mammals are reported to be destroying vehicles by chewing on their ignition system wiring causing thousands of dollars in damage.

Even more disturbing, this report continues, was the death of Longmont, Colorado resident 6-year-old Lluvia Espinoza Morales [photo 2nd left] this past Monday (18 February) whose house was descended upon by US biowarfare experts [photo 3rd left] immediately upon her passing.

The connection between the strange rabbit behavior and the death of this child, MoH experts say in this report, is the linking of Longmont, Colorado with the mysteriousDenver International Airport.

Longmont was founded in 1871 by a group of people from Chicago, Illinois. Originally called the , it was created by the elite classes as a model city, which even to this day major socialist-communistic factions within the United States are attempting to recreate so as to purge all American peoples from their rural areas.

According to GRU sources contributing to this report, the elite group controlling Longmont, in 1989, formed “” which privately raised $4.8 billion to build the Denver International Airport, but to this day no one knows where exactly that money came from.

In one American report on this strange airport it is stated: “Hints that the Denver airport is hiding something big are everywhere. Visitors to the Denver Airport will immediately notice a number of mysterious Masonic symbols and murals clearly depicting the end of the word. They’re hard to miss. Many believe these murals hold a deeper meaning which can be gleaned by the initiated of the New World Order and Freemasons.”

As a “close relative” of Lluvia Morales, along with many other residents of Longwood, are employed by the Denver International Airport, this report says, the question than arises as to what infectious agent could cause this child’s death, yet also be associated with the mysterious rabbit behavior.

The grim answer, this MoH report asserts, is the rabbit fever disease named Tularemia which has been weaponized into a biological warfare agent.

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) regard Tularemia as a viable biological warfare agent, and it has been included in the biological warfare programs of the United States, Soviet Union and Japan at various times.

In the US, practical research into using Tularemia as a biological warfare agent took place in 1954 at Pine Bluff Arsenal, Arkansas, an extension of the Camp Detrickprogram, it was viewed as an attractive agent because:

It is easy to aerosolize

It is highly infective; between 10 and 50 bacteria are sufficient to infect victims

It is non-persistent and easy to decontaminate (unlike anthrax)

It is highly incapacitating to infected persons

It has comparatively low lethality, which is useful where enemy soldiers are in proximity to noncombatants, e.g. civilians

The Schu S4 strain was standardized as “Agent UL” for use in the United States M143 bursting spherical bomblet. It was a lethal biological warfare agent with an anticipated fatality rate of 40 – 60%.

The rate-of-action was around three days, with duration-of-action of one to three weeks (treated) and two to three months (untreated), with frequent relapses. UL was streptomycin resistant. The aerobiological stability of UL was a major concern, being sensitive to sunlight, and losing virulence over time after release. When the 425 strain was standardized as “agent JT” (an incapacitant rather than lethal agent), the Schu S4 strain’s symbol was changed again to SR.

Both wet and dry types of Tularemia (identified by the codes TT and ZZ) were examined during the “Red Cloud” tests, which took place from November 1966 to February 1967 in the Tanana Valley, Alaska, and no vaccine is available to the general public.

To if the strange behavior of rabbits at the Denver International Airport, and the mysterious death of Lluvia Morales, are truly linked to a weaponized strain of Tularemia this MoH does not firmly say, instead noting that the behavior of the Obama regime towards its own citizens does not preclude it from planning a mass death event in order to better regulate and control its ever growing restless public, that by all accounts are arming themselves in record numbers not seen since the 1861-1865 American Civil War.

Even worse, and as evidenced by the photos below, “a provider of “realistic” shooting targets to the Department of Homeland Security and other federal agencies has created a line of “non-traditional threat” targets that include pregnant women, mothers in playgrounds and elderly American gun owners.”

Deadly new virus is well adapted to infect humans, study finds

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Explosive report: 98% of newborn babies are genetically screened

by Jon RappoportFebruary 27, 2013“Newborn Screening in America,” a report from the Council for Responsible Genetics, states: “Before they are even a week old, ninety-eight percent of the 4.3 million babies born annually in the United States have a small sample of blood taken from their heels.”

The report continues: “These newborn bloodspots (NBS) are then screened for a variety of inherited conditions and may later be stored in state-operated databases…parents are often unaware of these screening programs and their consent options.”

This shocking national program, flying under the radar, is of course explained as a humane medical undertaking. But there is no across-the-board genetic treatment for any disease or illness. All the “maybe-possibly-in-the-future-cure” nonsense does nothing to justify this rank incursion on newborns and their unsuspecting families


The report goes on: “With respect to [bloodspot] sample storage and use, there is also little transparency regarding storage procedures or the use of the samples after they have been screened…many states do not have clearly articulated policies about consent for the storage and use of samples or may not effectively communicate these policies to parents.”

Then there is the question of who now has, or will have in the future, access to all these millions of blood samples and the results of the genetic screening.

Reliable and trustworthy assurances of citizen-privacy from the government have gone the way of the dinosaur and other extinct species.

Let’s see…DNA samples of nearly every newborn baby in America: surveillance and tracking, anyone? We have here the makings of a universal DNA database for “crime prevention.”

Controversial legislation introduced to obtain a DNA sample from every adult? It’s already being done covertly in hospitals, at birth.

What about technocrats obsessed with re-engineering humans? What about other researchers who want to run comparative DNA studies in thousands of different ways, for any purpose under the sun—who for example are intensely interested in making (or inventing) genetic distinctions between various socioeconomic sectors of society? This newborn database is irresistible.

You can be sure social, medical, and genetic engineers are looking at all this raw data like wild animals look at prey on the plains.

The idea of correlating genetic factors with “failure in life” is the Holy Grail for eugenicists. They will find a way to gain access to the data, because they want to build “a better world” and eliminate the “inferior” people.

Right now, we have rapid abortionists who earnestly believe and advocate the destruction of life after birth as a viable option. They even call it abortion. So a doctor could tell a parent, “The genetic profile of your baby is very problematic. You should consider terminating life…”

Again, all this illegal and immoral collection of genetic data from babies is justified as a “humane medical endeavor.” So ask your doctor, “Where is the ironclad proof that you have any genetic treatment for any disease that works across the board?” Don’t accept blue-sky predictions and promises.

Get real.

Because the State is getting real. They want control. And taking blood samples from babies is a giant step on the road to a genetic dictatorship.

Jon Rappoport

The author of an explosive collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

Russians can see how homosexuality mainstreaming is subverting Western society –

As yet another testament to the West’s rapid slide into decadence, the recently voted to approve a bill legalizing same-sex marriage in Britain. Prime Minister David Cameron described homosexual marriage as “an important step forward” and is hoping to have the bill enacted this summer

.The phenomenon of homosexuality in today's world. 49337.jpeg

Homosexuality is a troubling moral and social phenomenon. Due to benign interpretations of the homosexual condition itself it is increasingly being viewed as something neutral or even good. In the words of Cardinal George of Chicago, the gay liberation movement has begun to “morph into something like the Ku Klux Klan“. They have thus far succeeded in inverting the West’s rule of law into the law of the jungle.

Men and women with homosexual tendencies must be accepted with respect, compassion and sensitivity. Nonetheless homosexual acts must be considered wrong and intrinsically disordered. They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances should they be approved.

In the West the legalization of homosexuality has already lead to the destruction of the family unit. Children who have no knowledge of sex are being brainwashed in schools to accept the perversion of homosexual acts as being normal and praiseworthy. At special risk now is religious freedom. In Canada, Christians are being harassed, threatened, and hauled into court for their biblical and scientifically supported conviction that homosexuality is not normal and that marriage is between one man and one woman.

To chose someone of the same sex for one’s sexual activity is to annul the rich symbolism and meaning, not to mention the goals, of the Creator’s sexual design. Homosexual activity is not a complementary union, able to transmit life; and so it thwarts the call to a life of that form of self-giving which the Gospel says is the essence of Christian living. This does not mean that homosexual persons are not often generous and giving of themselves; but when they engage in homosexual activity they confirm within themselves a disordered sexual inclination which is essentially self-indulgent.

There is a lot of misinformation and a distortion of facts disseminated by the press today about homosexuality. The Western media often portrays the homosexual lifestyle and relationships as happy, healthy, and stable. On the contrary there are very high rates of sexual promiscuity among the homosexual population with short duration of even “committed” relationships. Homosexuals also have very high rates of sexually transmitted infections such as HIV.

Further, many studies show much higher rates of psychiatric illness, such as depression, suicide attempts and drug abuse among homosexuals than among the general population. And statistics – which compare homosexuals with ethnic minorities exposed to racism – indicate this is not due to homophobia. The homosexual lifestyle is also associated with a shortened life expectancy of up to 20 years.

Homosexual behavior is abnormal, immoral and anti-life. It closes the act of sex to the gift of life and is not innate as some believe. The so-called “gay gene” has never been found. The Bible clearly and unequivocally also condemns homosexual acts (Gen 1:27-28; Gen 2:24; Matt 19: 4-6; Rom 1:24-27; 1 Cor 6:10; 1 Tim 1:10 etc.).

Dr. Francis Collins, who received the Presidential Medal of Freedom for his work sequencing the human genetic code has in fact proven that homosexuality is not genetically “hardwired.” If genetics were determinative, he said, then identical twins should virtually always show the same pattern of same-sex attraction. However, a study of the Australian Twin Registry showed that only 11% of identical twins with same-sex attraction had a twin brother who also experienced it.

In 1973 Homosexual activists succeeded in pressuring the American Psychiatric Association (APA) to remove homosexuality from their official list of mental disorders. This about face, according to a 2005 scientific study by Dr. Jeffery B. Satinover, Director of the Durckheim-Gladstone International Center for Quantitative Analysis in Washington, was due to certain bias, false claims, lack of scientific expertise, lack of clinical experience and fabrication of evidence.

Essentially, the APA’s decision was influenced by the arguments of Evelyn Hooker and Alfred Kinsey whose data was fraudulently skewered by blatant population sampling bias and the badgering, and even bribing, of its imprisoned and largely otherwise institutionalized subjects. Hooker”s study which contained no details of the scientific procedure involved, failed the most basic tenets of the scientific method. The inadequacy of her research was even acknowledged by the journal that published it.

Authentic scientific studies show that homosexuality is linked to pedophilia. For example, a 1992 study in the Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy found that homosexual men are three times more likely than straight men to engage in paedophilia. A 1988 study of 229 convicted child molesters published in the Archives of Sexual Behaviour found that 86% of paedophiles described themselves as homosexual or bisexual. A 2000 article in the same journal concluded that among paedophiles the rate of homosexual attraction is six to 20 times higher than among the male population generally. Dr. Richard Fitzgibbons, a U.S. psychiatrist with vast experience in treating priests with pedophilia, has stated: “Every priest whom I treated who was involved with children sexually had previously been involved in adult homosexual relationships.”

Will Italy Be The Spark That Sets Off Financial Armageddon In Europe? –

Will Italy Be The Spark That Sets Off Financial Armageddon In Europe?

s the financial collapse of Italy going to be the final blow that breaks the back of Europe financially?  Most people don’t realize this, but Italy is actually the third largest debtor in the entire world after the United States and Japan.  Italy currently has a debt to GDP ratio of more than 120 percent, and Italy has a bigger national debt than anyone else in Europe does.  That is why it is such a big deal that Italian voters have just overwhelmingly rejected austerity.  The political parties led by anti-austerity candidates Silvio Berlusconi and Beppe Grillo did far better than anticipated.  When you combine their totals, they got more than 50 percent of the vote.  Italian voters have seen what austerity has done to Greece and Spain and they want no part of it.  Unfortunately for Italian voters, it has been the promise of austerity that has kept the Italian financial system stable in recent months.  Now that Italian voters have clearly rejected austerity, investors are fearing that austerity programs all over Europe may start falling apart.  This is creating quite a bit of panic in European financial markets right now.  On Tuesday, Italian stocks had their worst day in 10 months, Italian bond yields rose by the most that we have seen in 19 months, and the stocks of the two largest banks in Italy both fell by more than 8 percent.  Italy is already experiencing its fourth recession since 2001, and unemployment has been steadily rising.  If Italy is now “ungovernable”, as many are saying, then what does that mean for the future of Italy?  Will Italy be the spark that sets off financial armageddon in Europe?

Will Italy Be The Spark That Sets Off Financial Armageddon In Europe

– See more at:


Mexico get’s Dumbed Down Americans used to how its going to go down soon in the USA Spring Break hits Cancun.. Marines patrol streets as debauched and debased American students roll in

Spring Break hits Cancun… in February! Marines patrol streets as hard-partying American students roll in

  • 45,000 holidaymakers are expected to flock to the holiday resort over the next month or so including thousands of Spring-Breakers
  • Scenes of drunken debauchery are commonplace at the Mexican resort popular for its fine weather and party atmosphere
  • Marines patrol the city in order to ensure the revelry doesn’t get out of hand
  • This year it is the number one choice for students getting away for their week long break, according to student travel agent STA travel
  • Getting the party started: Students have already started hitting the clubs of Cancun marking an earlier Spring Break than usualGetting the party started: Students have already started hitting the clubs of Cancun, pictured last night, marking an earlier Spring Break than usual
    On patrol: Mexican navy marines were out yesterday to ensure there was no trouble among Spring Breakers in the resortOn patrol: Mexican navy marines were out yesterday to ensure there was no trouble among Spring Breakers in the resort

    Revelry: Cancun is regularly one of the top picks for American Spring-Breakers and is said to be the most popular choice of destination for students this yearRead more:
    Spring Break chaos has arrived early in Mexico’s Cancun this year with American college students already beginning their revelry across the resort.

Hundreds of students have been pictured starting the party early in the Mexican city today, drinking heavily and dancing the night away with marines on patrol to ensure no one gets too carried away.

This year Cancun was found to be the number one destination for students looking to enjoy the typically wild week-long holiday which doesn’t usually get going until March.

Mexican navy sailors patrol the beachSoak up the sun: Mexican Navy sailors patrol the beach as revelers relax during spring break last year

As student advice website Student City says, visitors shouldn’t be expecting a quiet time: ‘In Cancun, the party never stops, so you may want to choose your spring break hotel based on the noise-level. Chances are that if you don’t choose a quiet one, you’ll just be up for 7 days straight. And that may not be a bad thing for some of you.’

However, no matter how many of them there are, it seems the party-goers won’t be able to escape the long arm of the law.

Mexican Navy Marines were pictured patrolling the popular nightclubs of the city yesterday starting a season where on average 45,000 people will visit the resort.

The local tourist board is keen to maintain safety in the area, particularly amid fears in Mexico that tourism will decrease as a result of violence in the tourist town of Acapulco.

Six Spanish women holidaying there earlier this month were tied by their bikinis and raped and robbed by a gang of men.

Heavy drinking: Party-goers typically engage in heavy drinking in the Spring Break hotspot, picturedHeavy drinking: Party-goers typically engage in heavy drinking in the Spring Break hotspot, pictured
Party by the pool: The resort's hotels are overrun by Spring Breakers - typically in March - but some colleges assign the week off in FebruaryParty by the pool: The resort’s hotels are overrun by Spring Breakers – typically in March – but some colleges assign the week off in February

There have been six arrests in connection to the incident.

Jesus Almagauer, chief executive of the Cancun Convention and Visitors Bureau, said Cancun was not a city struggling to keep the peace.

‘Last year Cancun welcomed almost 4 million visitors, and while none of our tourists were victims of violent crimes, we understand that safety is always a concern when traveling to a foreign country,’ he told the LA Times.

‘In response to that concern, and in an effort to dispel any misconceptions about the destination, we always amplify our security protocol during peak travel times to ensure the safety of every person visiting us. [Cancun] has better safety records than most major U.S. cities.’

Last year the Department for Public Safety in Texas sparked a row with Mexican authorities for advising against travel to the resort – for the third year running.

They said violence between rival drug gangs as well as other crime posed safety issues for tourists.

dance-floorNot in the library any more: Every year students head for sunnier climes during their week long break from college to enjoy days on the beach and nights on the dance-floor